Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Let's Smell The Rose

Do you give enough to charities? Give enough that you miss the money?

In my parting entry for the year 2010, I quoted a friend's message:

"For this 2011, there will be more trains to catch.  And while we are busy trying to catch up with the rest of the world, do not forget to remember the beauty and the joy of the person we have become while we were busy looking into the future and/or running away from the past."

Since you manage to read this far, let's now pause for awhile.  I am about to guide you with a simple exercise, into the power of visualization.  Right now, think 'what you see is what you get'.  Think of January 2011 and slowly let it move on to February, March till now, December.

Visualize yourself in each month.  Pay attention to your personality traits and how these traits get you where you want to be.

It is good if you are to see yourself happy and joyful.  It does not matter if you start to feel sad.  Just 'look' at yourself.  Look directly at 'You', let 'You' smiles back.  Keep moving from month to month.

Now, staying calm and look out of the window, away from your monitor screen.  Visualize yourself in those months - stay at it, and just watch 'You',  for five - ten minutes. 

Now, let's put the exercise away.

Surely, so much have taken place for the last few months.  Surely, there are changes in our life.  Surely, there are many trains - life events, that come and take us to different stops.  Surely, each ride has been different with different persons sitting next to us.  Each brings different experiences.  We might have taken notice some of these faces while we, probably, could not remember the rest.

Still, life has brought us to where we are today.  We have moved on, like it or not.  It is a knee-jerk action and soon, we will move into another year.  We just have to think forward and, hopefully, arriving at the right conclusion.

But, before we let ourselves to move forward, let's do another exercise.  Let's begin by making an affirmation.

Let's focus that we "do not forget to remember the beauty and the joy of the person we have become".  Let's not dwell on the negative aspects.  We should focus on the best and throw the rest.  We should provide the right basic parameters on how to go about loving ourselves.  Doing so, we can resolve many issues.

Let's start with counting our blessings.  Write some where, hopefully on your Sacred Book, the five (5) qualities that have made your 2011 filled with beauty.

Start with "I am thankful that 2011 has been ..." complete the sentence with a quality.  Repeat it again with the next, and next, quality.  Take your time but you must have all the five (5) qualities written.

Next, let's look inside.  Look at your soul, your emotions.  Start to write on a fresh new page the five (5) qualities that have made you 'the person we have become'.  Relate to the exercise on visualization that we did earlier.  It can be (01) caring, (02) loving. (03)purposeful and so on.

Well done, my dear ones.  Now, let's do more of them.  Remember, our energies are limitless, and so are our personality traits.  We are more than just those five (5) that we have had given.  We should not restrict our qualities.  The sky is the limit.  Continue with another five (5) qualities for each of those two (2) exercises.

Do yourself a favor.  Be true to yourself.  Take a 15 minutes break.  You should only continue to read on once you have (1) completed those exercises and (2) taken a break.

At the end of this entry, I have placed a symbol.  It is My Gift to you.

The year has created a rhythm to life and each passing month has taken care of our existence.  Today, we should be thankful that we are alive, that we are healthy and that we still have the stamina to be part of life.   Part of the Big Thing.  It may sound simplistic but we have often taken all those days for granted.

I am guilty of it.  One of the things that I had wanted to do for 2011 [Read more - Be Prepared For More Happiness Than Ever In 2011] was to write a letter of apology; to seek for forgiveness to some important people in my life.  Unfortunately, I have not managed to do it. 

Though I have made it verbal to seek for forgiveness with some people, it does not leave with much imprints.  Somehow, the acts are somewhat inconsequential and do not bare much emotional bearing.  It does not seem to bring lasting impression.  Even today, I could not recall those that I have had done so with.  Truthfully, I can only remember bits and pieces.  Obviously, it is showing me that it is not good enough.

Here's the thing, internalization is often effective when it is conveyed from within.  When we reflect hard.  When there is a conviction.  Writing down an intention, with the presence of inner and deeper emotions, leaves much poignant process.  It reveals on realization and making the shift to refocus on love and trust.  It invites a new world into discovery, empowerment and growth.

Internalization, and writing such an intention, provides an in all-inclusive value system to lead a successful life in this world.  Importantly, it reaps benefits amongst us.

Those exercises, those that we did earlier, put our spirituality high above.  We discover and reflect on the secrets of our true nature and the laws governing it.  Only when we start to believe, and deeply internalize, what we had written that the Truth will prevail.  What we did was to expand our vision of creation by emotionalizing  through reflection.

In order for us to discover self mastery, I seek your faith to think positively.  For us to excel, to become far more than those qualities that we have described earlier, it is important to be positive and to have faith, sincerity and prayers to seek divine help.

All true learning, particularly on life lessons and transformation, begins with reflection.  It is just unfortunate that we are not disciplined or experienced enough to do it on our way.  We just do not know how to start a practice on reflection.  Thing is, we should realize that we are no longer in an era with much luxury for day-dreaming.

We have been created on the basis of our intellect.  This is the only distinctive feature that differentiates us, the humans from other God's creations.  We should exercise our intellect, through reflection, to use in the service of faith.  In sifting right from wrong.  In discovering the secrets of the Universe.  In promoting the codes of ethics.  In shunning bad practices.  In solving our social problems.  In meeting challenges and in fixing the future direction.

We just have to emphasize the use of our intellect to the extent that it includes in the essentials of our faith.  Of all the values that we have held good.  Of all the virtues that we have sought to live by.

Doing self reflection is about taking the time to figure out who we are, both as individuals and as a human being.  It requires us to take a break from life and look at who we really are.  It also includes looking at what we care about most and how/why we feel and act the way that we do in any given situations.

Hopefully, the exercises earlier allow us to identify our own strengths.  Only when we are able to recognize them that we can start on our personal vision of what it is that we want to be, do and have in our lives.  Importantly, it is about empowering how we want to feel as we go through life.

"Thank You!" and give thanks to yourself too.

My Gift

Choose one that connects to you.  Print or draw the symbol.  You can have this symbol placed under your pillow, or under your chair or on the wall or it can be held against your body with the print facing you.

This symbol is directed by the Higher Self and can never be misused or used to cause harm. This symbol is multi-dimensional.  It is a special healing symbol that has its own consciousness.  It works directly with your aura and chakras.

You may want to think of the things you wrote, from the earlier exercise.  Take one quality, think/reflect/meditate on it while holding the symbol.  The symbol will open up your consciousness, explore your true nature.  There might also be untold value that will be revealed.

Enjoy it.

    About Me

    I am a certified Master in Traditional USUI REIKI and KARUNA REIKI. I am also a certified practitioner in MAGNIFIED HEALING and INNER DANCE.

    I have been teaching and conducting spirituality, healing and energy works (including Breathing Techniques, Meditation and Spinal Qiqong) for more than two decades.

    These are the classes I conduct:
    (for Individual and/or Groups)

    a) Life / Motivational Coach
    b) Usui Reiki (all the 4 levels)
    c) Awareness Before Change
    d) Born Rich
    e) Tibetan Geomancy ** (reading and consultation)

    ** Please have your house plan


    In Reiki Sanctuary, we feel blessed. We feel the abundance and greatly appreciate for all that have been showered. We can only keep counting ..

    [Continue Reading ...]


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    Need Healing?

    I offer Reiki Distant Healing (See REIKI HOSPITAL OF LIFE for more information) for those who seek healing, higher & spiritual guidance.

    Do contact me should you want me to add you to this healing space. You might want to share your issues via email.

    I do not charge for doing this service; there is no fee involved. My intention is pure as I truly believe it is always good that we can attain to be with our Highest Self.

    We deserve to be healthy, peaceful and joyful.