Wednesday, January 04, 2012

That's The Way It Is

Would you steal if you knew you wouldn’t get caught? Lie if you could get away with it?

What a better way to start out the new year, I just could not have asked for more.  I am glad that I ended the year 2011, on 31st December, differently.  Usually, I tend to spend New Year's eve with a small gathering or that I would stay up long enough just to usher in the new day. 

For a change, this time round on 31 December 2011, I went to bed before the clock struck 12.  I felt, it would be nice to rest my spirit and soul, in the comfort of my own bed and to be in the vast universal dreams.  Where my body and mental vibrations were lower and to allow my brain wave to fall to the alpha level and lower.  Afterall, at this level and below - the theta and delta state, our spirit and soul engage into a relaxed, calm, lucid non-thinking stage. 

I felt that I should love my mind to love the new year.  So, I made that choice to rest early to give me more freedom to attract more goodness in my life.  I believed it was a good way to connect and made realization upon myself with the infinite potentials of the Universe.

Prior that, I had a satisfying and peaceful meditation session and followed by reading a long Mantra.  Somehow, I had totally a different need to usher 2012.  It was guided by my Higher Self which I decided to just flow with it.  The less I questioned and lest I analyzed the thought process, I experienced a different lightness of Being.

And, for another change, I woke up very early on the new day to enjoy the morning sunrise.  I was up at five in the morning.  I did another round of reading through the Mantra.  I actually felt energized soon after.  But, importantly, I felt very peaceful.

I am very grateful that the peace is still felt today.  I am conscious of my emotions radiating from all my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.  I feel a sense of higher consciousness, of love, and of order.  The Mantra helps to reinforce the positive perception that all things work together for good.

I must admit that the Mantra does change me.  It has a great impact with the way I go about in life.  It changes the way I feel for life.  It changes the way I lead my life.  It makes me to be aware of my feelings, my actions and my thoughts.  It strengthens my resolve.  The Mantra is powerful, real and hold the conviction of a happier life.  It makes a better me with a sense of insight and accomplishment.

If you have intended to create a good habit or to fulfill a meaningful life, for the year 2012, here is the Mantra that you might want to internalize.  I truly hope that you will take this Mantra seriously and to adopt it for that change you are seeking. 

The trick, when you are reading it, is not all about just reading it through.  It has to be internalized, it has to be memorized.  It has to be registered in your sub-conscious mind.  This is the only way that you will see the effectiveness.

It has to be repeated again and again.  It is the only way to remember to make repetitions of the learned materials.  There is an old Latin phrases 'repetitio mater studiorum est' which literally means 'repetition is the mother of all learning'.  Neuro scientists have found that, when one listens to a word 160 times, the brain will form a whole new network of neurons specifically tasked with remembering that word.

I can guarantee, everything about you and all of your conscious thoughts, will change.  There will be measurable and lasting change in attitude and belief which manifest itself in a wide range of situations.  When the Mantra is internalized, that you are able to recite it easily, the power of the words integrates into your value system.

The first time the list is given to me, I have to memorize every lines.  I have to stand in front of a group of people to recite it.  Looking back, it has been a great way to shift the paradigm of thought, of the way I think.  Internalizing every words of the Mantra attracts the rate of vibration of those energized words into my life.  In any given circumstances, when we are in a positive vibration, we just attract resources, opportunities, circumstances and knowledge.

For a start, do not tell your spirit and soul that you cannot learn anything from the Mantra.  Give it a try and let your spirit and soul to experience.  Simply, be open.  You should continue to read the Mantra for the next twenty-one days - one in the morning and another just before you go to sleep. 

Once internalized, you will just see how your life talk the talk and walk the walk.  The power of internalization is overwhelming pervasive and astonishing.

The Mantra:

I become what I think about.  The me I see, the me I will be.  I think, therefore I am, I do.

I think, I feel, I act to get results.  The more I act, the more I get.  The more I give, the more I get.

What I give out is what I get back.  Life is like an echo - when I shout, it yells back at me.  Life is like a boomerang - when I throw it out, it keeps coming back.

Yes! I am a choice maker.  What I choose in life is what I get.

I think positive, I become positive.  I think negative, I become negative.
I think big, I become big.  I think small, I become small.
I think I can, I can.  I think I cannot, I cannot.

I get what I am looking for.  I found the 10 acre lot because I was looking for the 10 acre lot.

I think of hate, I become hateful.
I think of revenge, I become revengeful.
I think of fear, I become fearful.
I think of love, I become lovable.
I think of respect, I become respectful.
I think of humbleness, I become humble.

Yes! I become what I think about.  As I think in my heart, so am I.

What I can hold in my heart, I can have it in my hands.

I move in the direction of my dominant thoughts.  I am the sum total of my thoughts.  Thoughts become things.

Hard time or easy time, good times or bad time, it is up to me.
If I want to be free, it's got to be me.

When I am unable to find tranquility within myself, it is useless to seek it elsewhere
Where there is love, nothing is too much trouble.  And, there is always time.

I must have the vision to see my potential and faith to believe what I see.  The courage to act with conviction, to become what God meant me to be.

As I advance confidently in the direction of my dreams and endeavour to live the life I have imagined, success will come to me unexpectedly in common hours.

    About Me

    I am a certified Master in Traditional USUI REIKI and KARUNA REIKI. I am also a certified practitioner in MAGNIFIED HEALING and INNER DANCE.

    I have been teaching and conducting spirituality, healing and energy works (including Breathing Techniques, Meditation and Spinal Qiqong) for more than two decades.

    These are the classes I conduct:
    (for Individual and/or Groups)

    a) Life / Motivational Coach
    b) Usui Reiki (all the 4 levels)
    c) Awareness Before Change
    d) Born Rich
    e) Tibetan Geomancy ** (reading and consultation)

    ** Please have your house plan


    In Reiki Sanctuary, we feel blessed. We feel the abundance and greatly appreciate for all that have been showered. We can only keep counting ..

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    Need Healing?

    I offer Reiki Distant Healing (See REIKI HOSPITAL OF LIFE for more information) for those who seek healing, higher & spiritual guidance.

    Do contact me should you want me to add you to this healing space. You might want to share your issues via email.

    I do not charge for doing this service; there is no fee involved. My intention is pure as I truly believe it is always good that we can attain to be with our Highest Self.

    We deserve to be healthy, peaceful and joyful.