Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dancing With The Mind

Finding Self-Worth, Part II

Sometimes, I wonder at the nuanced word 'selfish' when it is being verbalised.  Whether this word is being intended, or expressed, or signified about us or to the person at which the word is being directed at.  Whether the circumstances, at the point the word is said, are a call for us to further identify our inner state of being or truly reflect the character of the concerned individual.  Is it a psychological reaction of an expression indirectly an admission of who we are?  Is it about a self trait that we cannot accept?

Say, when another car suddenly cuts in front of our car on the road, adrenaline pumps into our bloodstream.  Our heart rate jumps.  Our blood pressure surges.  Immediately, we jump into conclusion how selfish and inconsiderate the other driver is.

Or, it started with a simple drive to the airport but, before long, our partner started to criticize the way we drive.  That we were not aggressive enough.  That we were not pushing past the speed limit resulting to arrive late at the destination.

Or, when we are being invited to a potluck gathering and we have to finish a project for the group.  In all the rush and time constraint, we offer not to bring anything but the finished project.  Our excuse is 'I have no time to go to the market, buy the stuffs and cook'.  Our stomach is filled but none of the food belongs to our contributions.

Or, a parent starts to instill guilt at the daughter, or son, to get married regardless of her/his conditions.  For them to have additional hand at getting support or at whatever their personal reasons may be.  Or, for them to have grand children just to hold the family's name.  Procreation is not the ultimate nor it is a compulsive, nor perhaps spiritual, duty of every souls.  Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha and Guan Yin didn't procreate.

Let's face it, it is always easier to judge and criticize someone else.  It is always easier to advise someone else.  It is always easier to push the blame to someone else.  Our world, as it is, is filled with a feeling towards hate.  We tend to empower this energy before we learn to love.  Love has been conditioned towards protecting our struggles with anger and frustration.  Love leans on the negative aspects as a result of our psychological defence against threats that hides our essential human vulnerabilities and weaknesses.  When anything or anyone threatens us with the truth of our essential being, the easiest and most common defense available is to think how selfish the attacker/interrogator/intimidator is.

Being selfish is a common human emotion.  We all feel it and we feel it more often than we like to admit.  Our parent, all our brothers and sisters, all our friends and the people around us AND ourselves feel hurt or irritated and will judge another to be selfish when someone or something obstructs their AND our needs or desires.  The psychological process is clear and simple.  If another person hurts us, we just want to hurt him back just as we have been hurt.

When I attended a motivational seminar many years ago, the facilitator asked 'Who should you love and take care first - your parent or yourself?'.  I struggled with my answer.  There I was, in front of many others, had to share it out loud my priority.  I sensed a room filled with judgement.  A room where some felt I was such a selfish son.  An inconsiderate child. 

I chose to think that I should take care of myself first.  It was, and still is, a conviction within me.  It may sound that I am a narcissist, someone who is basically in love with myself, only talk about myself and does not care about anyone else.  In that seminar, that I put my parent second.

Perhaps, I am being selfish to think this way.  Perhaps, this is what selfish is all about.  But what will happen should I ignore about my being, my health, my career and not able to support them in return?  How can I provide them when I am constantly troubled with life?  How can I give love when I do not know how to love myself?  How can I let them to live comfortably when I do not have a good career?  How can I nurse them should we are struck with illnesses at the same time?

It is always remarkable to see a son, or a daughter, care for the parent as though his own needs and desires hardly existed.  I am reminded of the safety airline speech, on board the plane, where we need to put our mask on first before we help with the child.  What if we had put the child's mask on first and we are not able to breathe well enough to take care of ourselves?  My principle is to learn to balance caring for self with caring for others.

It is not to advocate that we should not help those around us and be self-centered.  The core of the oxygen mask is rather that should we become faint from lack of oxygen, we won't be much good to anyone at all.  Speaking for myself, I have found that a certain core of peace and centeredness is necessary before I can really get engaged in promoting a happy, compassionate and peaceful environment.

If I get depressed, it may affect the people around me adversely.  The reverse is also true that when I do what it takes to be happy myself, the people around me reap the benefits.  Emotions, in general, are just plain contagious.

If I look at how I will leave this world alone, on death, being selfish will have a better meaning.  Growing up, I learned the hard way what not taking care of myself can do.  I watched it through the lives of my mum.  And my dad.  And, particularly my late eldest sister.  They sacrificed everything to take care of me and my sisters, give only to others and never themselves.  They worked full time and came home exhausted.

My mum and my dad never did things for themselves, never lived nor pursued their dreams.  Their focus was to make sure that our basic needs were met.  In the case of my late eldest sister, she was not putting the mask on herself and lost all her strength to fight her years with cancer.   When I grew up and realized the missing pieces, I were so resentful and angry.

We cannot give what we do not have.  If I want to give more, serve more, contribute more, build more, create more, I have to be stronger and more vital, have more stamina and vigor.  Only when we secure our own oxygen mask first that we can be more selfless and helpful for everyone else.

I admire, and hold full respect, some of my friends.  In particular, my master.  A man who finds his own strength before he could provide for others.  A man who knows how to say 'No' when he has nothing to offer.  A man who will then give endlessly when his hands are full.

However, being altruistic is not all rainbows.  We may be hit with conscience.  The bottom line is, as long as we remember to stand up for ourselves and take care of ourselves, becoming a more selfless person will help to make the world a better place.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Finding Self-Worth

No man is an island.  Human beings just do not, for a period of time, thrive when isolated from others. It is possible to spend time alone but it will never complete their social needs and growth. In the words of an English poet, John Donne "All mankind is of one author, and is one volume.  That when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language and every chapter must be so translated."

It is a totally different scenario with the need to being alone; in the period of alone-ness.  Being alone in the world, the world of alone-ness, even though we travel our journeys with people merely underscores how important faith, hope and understanding our spiritual self inside us (and probably in God) are.  There are times when we will feel incredibly desolate, confused and numbed to a communal reality that the call for alone-ness, the only man in the island, that such situation can thrive.  It would be, then, a spiritual call being true to ourselves.

I am touched, and moved, with Donne's content.  Particularly so for the latter part of it and on the line 'but translated into a better language'.  It tells us the significant to live our life.  It sums it up to bring awareness how we can change, and should change for the better, our mindset.  It is an awakening call to look within into our conscience; to work at it and honor everything that has provided for a better meaning to life.  Only when the acknowledgments are internalized, the purpose to life becomes clearer.  Every stones in every roads will uncast the process leaving every opportunity doors wide open.  Every life's value that becomes our actions will turn to results. 

How shall we live?  What shall we live for?  How we can decide right from wrong?  It is always important to recognize the values and, ultimately, in making a better wise choice.  Each one of us has a different set of value.  For some, the value may be living for wealth, for power, for reason, for virtue, for faith, for fulfillment, for love, for happiness, for integrity.  The list can just go on.

The content brings consciousness towards the subject about life and our imprints we leave behind on our death.  Hopefully, I will be able to  internalize within myself with the right sanctity for the right perception.  About the need to be surrounded with the right people for the right thing.  About accomplishments and perhaps, to live life with no regrets and everything is just enough.  For the conscientiousness of my (our) morals.  For a meaningful ending when faced with death.

It is, to me, a reminder about the importance on the quality of life that we need to exercise.  That, in whatever we do, think and act should be guided consciously towards it.  That we need to re-think our thought processes before we execute the actions.  We need to be aware of our words, our promises, our commitments, our desires and wants and so on.

How we should live a life truthfully within the sea of love.  With will.  With respect.  With honor.  With endearment.  With conscience.  Within the relationship we have with another.  About how we should never take for granted the people that we have come to treasure.  That have played a big part in our incremental growth.  To those whom have had shaped our lives.  To all the individuals that have, and continuously, designed our days and sharing and letting us to go through life experiences.  That have shared and provided valuable lessons for us to become a better person.  These are our parents, our brothers, our sisters and infact the whole family generation.  And then, there are our teachers, our masters and our friends.  Or our neighbours.

We are what we eat; we become what we think about.  I have become a strong believer, in life, that I cannot hold more than what I already have.  That it will be useless should I go on with life adding friendship every other day, or getting to know more people through social networking, but sadly only to become superficial with one another each passing day.  That I would only know them by their name, their status just because all I need is another friend.  Nor should I want to walk the path of fame, to feast on my ego, proudly announcing to the world that I know so-and-so and so-and-so. 

I believe when I am constrained with time 24-7, how then can I provide for new friends?  How then can I provide the love and the care?  We, as an individual, often fail to love oneself.  With all our limited time, we hardly spend to treat ourselves right.  We constantly deny the time, and love, to nourish our soul.  The soul that is the core of our true self, the very essence of whom and what we are.

What will be my motive for making new friendship?  What will be left of my intention for those that I already knew?  Where would I place the sincerity for my appreciation and gratitude?  When was the last time I did my part, as a so-called friend, calling any one out for a good meal, a good conversation?  Or calling to know, to share and catch up with his/her life? 

When was the last time I said 'I love you' to my mum, my dad, my siblings and my closest friends?  We don't even spend much quality time with our parents and siblings.  Or our soul partners.  We often find convenient excuses for not doing so.  The most important source of soul food for my soul is the quality time with loved ones.  It rejuvenates me and helps me to go on.  It makes me feel alive, full of life and connected to the Universe. 

The large quantity of people in my small hands does not count for my happiness.  Nor the quiet joy I seek in small groups.  Nor the peace of mind where I can put my trust and my faith.  Plainly, I am getting tired at just smiling and greetings at superficiality.

Perhaps, I am off the mindset of what Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship."  Though it is not a must, it is always good to have someone that shares a common goal.

It is only natural that friendship is developed in the office.  In school.  In meditation class.  But, to purposely find friends by logging to social networks, online chat rooms or going to pubs requires a little more consciousness.  It requires a little more the Self understanding.  It requires the opening of our awareness towards the search, and the desire and objective, it places in our current journey in life.

Do not get me wrong.  While making new friends is highly enriching and can be rewarding - and yes, that no man can ever be alone - we need to realize should we are able to take on the big responsibility to know another person and understand his/her feelings.  Friends comes with friendships.  Life is a journey and real good friends are with us in the caravan.  It is said that the natural process to life in meeting new friends, where it is guided with synchronicity and coincidences, is far more meaningful.

Just the other day, a friend passed a remark that she does not need so-and-so just because she has found some new friends.  New friendships are like the new broom that will sweep clean.  New things are always don with admiration.  We are mesmerized with everything new.  My friend's action kinda puzzled me.  I am saddened at the circumstances.  Friendship is not something that you can throw away just because there is a vacuum to be filled with someone new or when someone new comes along.

It is true, and unavoidable, that good friendship can sometimes just dies off.  That the person whom we have known for many years could just suddenly ceased to be part of our lifeline.  That a friendly relations gets strained, usually reaching a point of no return.  Such a situation arises when there is no longer a win-win situation where things are no longer absolutely hunky dory.

Friendship develops from a need.  It is a social call where two individuals first interact, or being interacting, with one another out from some common interest that binds the two.  Things become bad when one person gains and the other stands to lose.

In the wisdom of John Donne, "when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language and every chapter must be so translated."  We need to appreciate our friends.  We need to be part of their conditionings, good or bad.

I am wary about perception.  I pray hard to be watchful in the way I think, I judge and I perceive.  Perceptions are not always a reality.  Perceptions can destroy even the best of intention.  Our minds do not grasp everything our senses feed us.  Say, if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a duck, it must be a duck.

My friend's remark made me to think of what others would think of me.  Of their perception of me.  Not that it totally matters should I am that so-and-so, as in the case of that friend, gets dumped.  But, it would be sad to be in the situation arises from a deceived perception.  Or, from a situation where friendship is being compared to another.

Perception changes everything.  In the language of the Universe, perception often reveals the actions of the heart. We become indifferent and slack with enthusiasm.  Excuses start to come into play in almost all our actions and reactions.  We procrastinate at everything since love is no longer the wheel to drive the relationship.  My friend's actions have become a classic to the notion.  She avoids returning calls, ignoring sms-es and easily gets irritable.  Her easiest excuse is always to provide white lies that she has been busy, and busier.

Subconsciously, we 'grade' our friends based on our values - How they talk, how they eat, how they laugh, how they walk and so on.  Thing is, there is nothing wrong with all that.  It is only our perception that measures the interpretations.  And, it makes me wonder where am I in the eyes of my friends?  Where am I in the hearts of the people I treasure?

If there is one thing that I can learn from my mistake in life, it would be the time that I failed to honor my heart.  Only when my mum passed on that I was hit with remorse for not doing the one thing that I promised myself to give her.  Such is a state of our excuses for everything.  We would delay every attempts, and conveniently forget, the tasks that we should have carried out at the right time.

Almost a month ago, I was treating a young man who came to confide his problems.  I admire his courage to admit his weakness at white lies.  How it has actually affected his inner conscience.  When told that I knew he lied at things, not in any detrimental ways, I sensed his helplessness.  Lies are a no win-win situation especially when we want to have our friends, or our loved ones, with us in the same caravan of life.

I told him that life is simple made complicated by our desires.  That life, in itself, carries a vibrational energy with its own auric field of colors.  We cannot fake our aura.  It is always important to guard our color, our aura.  It is important to guard and live towards a clear conscience.  Our aura is basically an extension of who we are.  It speaks volumes.

The same principle goes with us living in Universe's abundance.  For its fruits to bear, we need to have a clean and clear conscience.  We need to have a strong sincere perception.  Not one that will hinder us from our growth.  It is always easier with a Yes or a No.  It is always dishonesty that denies us from entering into the gate of the Universe.  It is wise to live life to love for love rather than to love to lie.

I am praying for self conviction.

Happy Vesak Day.

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Language Of The Universe

In gratitude to Archangel Jeremiah (see note below)

Just take a moment to allow our mind to think.
Asmuchas I often believe that thinking is a burden, that we should not allow ourselves to be trivial over petty things nor should we fret on small stuffs,  let's take this moment to reflect on all our needs.  Let's take this moment to conceptualize how they (can) come to materialize.

Let's find an understanding to how all the logical validity and our novel ideas and solutions can just happen, without having to struggle, right in front of us.  That, whatever we are looking or wondering and for all the answers that we hope to get, and have waited for, could be easily found.  That, we can find a simpler understanding with the dynamic quantum in the language of the Universe.  To the language, just like in the metaphorical saying of the Butterfly Effect, with all the answers readily available.

What the mind wants, the heart desires and it is said that the Universe will conspire.  We are all that is and all that will ever be.  We are the infinite light that creates all that is in this infinite Universe.  Everything starts with a thought and the base upon what we think is how things manifest.  We act what we think about.

A simple concept as this, however, does not bring about transparency nor an emotional and mental satisfaction.  What we often want is the validation for the answers to what we think - something to be gained and not loss; something good and not evil; something of success and not failure.  Generally, we want to avoid the feeling of restlessness and not groping in the dark and not regret the next actions and reactions .  We do not want to get tangled in spider webs nor letting our energetic vibrations to be disconnected from the higher self.

Humans are created to think.  Ironically, we cannot easily get to consign the thought process and move on.  We can only be able to move on in relative peace to the next phase until that thinking process has established the soundness in the answers and they are proven valid.

All throughout my life, I wonder about the real meaning 'A blessed life'.  When someone meets his goal, does that mean he is blessed?  When someone can afford luxuries, does that mean he is blessed?  When someone is calm and full of peace, is he blessed?  Then, there are those born with special gifts and the new breed of children with different auric colors.  Are these groups blessed?  Wikipedia defines blessing "the infusion of something with holiness, divine will, or one's hope or approval".

I have come to think that blessing is a two-way thing with many folds.  It carries a divine power with every bits of wisdom, intelligence, love and values.  It determines the characteristics of our personality and the soul creates a personality from those parts of itself that it wants to heal. 

We often make remarks that when an individual has reached an accomplished life journey with fulfilling results, he is blessed.  But this blessing will only be temporary if he does not lend to recognize the process.   For it to scale higher, it has to be connected (and not to discord) with gratitude and of love and knowledge.  The seat of the soul will only be enlightened when one does not forget at the result from his being.  Blessing is about getting it from where it deserves to how it comes about and then the propagation to pass on.

I grew up struggling with an awakening heart to find the being of light in myself.  I always have had the desire to search for meaning and purpose in life.  Guess, I have always been an individual caught in my own self-created lonesome environment.  Yesterday, a friend commented that I am much a loner despite my loud voice and laughter.  He is right as I often feel lost in a crowd.  I can be a loner if I want to.  It really is just a queer part of me.

I grew up a crying baby, often crying at everything and anything that made me sad - a sad song, a sad movie, a sad story or even for a friend whom felt sad.  I often cried for my parents who had to work so hard and sacrificed their lives for me.  I cried at losing my sisters when they got married.   I cried for my school grades and those off my classmate.  I cried for my inexpensive school bags and my sisters' and the used textbooks handed down to us.  I cried for the meals that I was forced to take and not those popular fast food I wished to have.  I cried at beggars trying hard to earn some monies.  I cried when a loved one going for business trip for just a couple of days.

As a growing young kid, and like any other growing children, I too had a desired rate of expectations.  But those tears are not about self pity.  Those are not tears of feeling sorrow over sufferings.  Mostly, I felt sad at the condition and quality to why they happened - to me, to them.  At how a value determined a spirit.  Often, I prayed for the Universe to release and lessen the pains of my bleeding heart.  For purpose.  For meaning.  For acceptance.

It reminded me of a book by Morgan Scott Peck, "The Road Less Traveled".  I grew up traveling in time and spending almost my school life, for such a young growing kid, in Botanic Gardens alone.  For good few years, after finding good and valid excuses to my parents, I would be heading there after school as early when I was 15 years old.  It was something I looked forward to do everyday after school.  Botanic Gardens was my refuge, my secret sanctuary.  I studied alone and would do my school homeworks there but, importantly, I felt great joy in such solitude.  There was so much joy, and intensified internal peace, in just thinking and in unity of one with Mother Nature.  The trees and the leaves and the flowers, the birds and the ants, the blue skies and the white clouds, the winds, the rains .. slowly, they became my friends.

Perhaps, those growing years - as Peck mentioned in his book, were about my evolution.  That "God wants us to become Himself (or Herself or Itself).  We are growing toward God.  God is the goal of evolution."  In those years of solitary silence, I was blessed to learn the language of the universe; the language of God.

Written by Osho:

.. then a language is needed, a language which is universal and not local to humanity.

Feeling is that language. Greek or Arabic or Sanskrit won't do. No language originating in the mind is divine language. No, the divine language originated in the heart. Feeling is the language.

If you start really feeling, and your heart starts really throbbing with feeling, you can ask a tree, and a tree is always ready to reveal its secret. You can ask a bird, and the bird is ready to reveal its secret. You can ask existence, and existence is ready to reveal its heart.

Many of us live life asking 'why?' to anything and everything.  We create endless doubts to every answers.  We go on asking questions on a question.  We can never be fully satisfied with simplicity of truths.  The Universe, matter-of-fact God, communicates with us every time we seek for answers.  Every time we have questions.  It is just a matter of knowing.  It is just a matter of consciousness in our awareness.  All that we need to do is to raise our vibrations and elevate the density of self.

Everything is some type of energy and everything vibrates at some frequency.  We are endowed with our five senses that have already been programmed with highly specialized sensors to translate the vibratory world into our physical world.  Our eyes translate visual vibrations into the world we see.  Our ears translate auditory vibrations into that which we hear.  Our touches synch with the kinesthetic vibrations into emotional intelligence.  Our nose with its olfactory vibrations into what we smell.  Our taste processes the gustatory vibrations and so on.

We are connected in this way to everyone and everything else in the Universe.  We, and all the nature around us, are vibrational transmitters and receivers constantly exchanging vibes with the vibratory world around us.

** When we hear someone asking 'Do you miss so-and-so?', the question is encoded within that someone missing another.

** When we see an imprinted word and immediately felt jolted, say a name "Miss X", we flip at some occurrence of events that will happen at the near future.

** When our hearts are feeling heavy and the radio is playing exactly the right song.

** When we lost the passing of a loved one and the rain just showers down becoming different in essence.

** When we want a story of our life to be told at a particular time, a page from the book we pick out of the shelf describes it all.

It is the butterfly effect.  Answers to all our questions are all around us.  We just have to reach out.  We are light and love of the almighty infinite light that is commonly referred to as God.  The only difference is the density of self in our frequency and vibrations.  

How we feel emotionally reflects our current vibratory state.  The subtle energies that make up our auric fields constantly sending out and receiving waves of intelligent energy over a universal network of energy fields.  All the entirety of space and time, and all the forms of matter and energy work together.

This is the gift to us from the Universe, or God, to live life simpler only when we take our time to understand the language.

Last Thursday, 6th of May at about 9 p.m. (Japan time), I was rewarded with a brief spiritual visit.  Strange as it is, I am thankful for the eventful greetings.  Perhaps, it has to do with the energetic fields and vibrations around the area.  I was in Lake Toya, Hokkaido - a lake that never freezes even in winter when the temperature falls drastically.  Lake Toya lies 200 to 500 metres below the outer rim of the crater.  The active volcano that stands proudly near the lake with white smoke rising above it is Mount Showa Shinzan.  The volcano was elevated when the ground cracked during a huge eartquake in 1943.

While I tried to brave myself, walking out of the hotel in the cold towards the lake, a white light appeared right before me.  There was a sense of peace within but still I was apprehensive.  Though the messages that were given still puzzled me, today I am still wrapped with joy to be greeted by Archangel Jeremiah

I knew nothing about such an angel till I googled and found out that Archangel Jeremiah is an angel of heart and emotions to help humankind to let go of anger, bitterness which would otherwise cloud our experience of the light.  She is an angel to ease our pains.

Her message will be remembered ..

"You are loved.  You are cared.  Be careful, you'll get hurt."
For now, I may not fully understand nor conceptualize it.  Nor could I place her loving message in a bigger picture.  Yes, I am not going to think much.  Yes, I am not going to dissect it too much.  What is important is the gift of light.  I feel blessed.

That night, few of us won some lucky draws.

That night, I had a very good conversation with another angelic being.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Voice Of The Heart

I have always regarded my blog, as I put down my thoughts and feelings into writing, to be my voice that needs to be heard by the Universe.  It is a way to pronounce my intention - my prayers in black and white.  Here is where I make my prayers known.  It is instrumental to my belief to narrow the gap and lay the bridge between me and the entirety of space and time and all forms of matter and energy.  What is written is the voice that cannot be taken away; that I must honor and have to stay true.  It ingrains my conviction and commitment.

Reiki Sanctuary is the temple for my soul.  It is a place where I allow myself to think for myself and not the product of my environment.  For my mind to find its peace and to slow down my critical, and often confused, emotional thoughts.  My mind is usually all over the map.  I am not so much an optimist, realist nor pessimist.  Here is where I keep searching for the spark of my individuality and to believe in myself.  Here is where I struggle not to just float out with any tide that rolls in.

What is important to me may  not be important to others.  Here is where I find the strength and the courage to live, to be who I am.  To stay in the breaths of life and be alive.  Here is where I seek refuge spilling out my joys, my pains, my visions and my restlessness.  Here is where I can quieten the enormous thought processes.  Here is where I do mental housekeeping.

I don't want to be part of something larger than what I can hold for myself.  My sense of justice has dictation over my happiness.  I must be true to my conscience, never disregarding it for any reason.  To be happy, I have to be me.

Importantly, here is where I feel the hands of God guiding me.  Here is the temple where I feel the power of God, where I learn the power of God and where I am residing in His kingdom.  Everyday, I am learning to master in His subtle mysterious language.

For someone who used not to believe in writing a diary, I have come quite a long way.  The postings that started with my renovation were only the beginning for a bigger thing - at least, for me.  Those are the foundation of structural process to hold the future.  My future.  Without them, there will be none today. 

There is always a liberated feeling when a thought is released.  Often, I feel grounded.  Often, I feel at peace afterwards.  To me, in the language of the universe, a w-w-w is analogous of a world wide web that is being condensed to become smaller.  With this blog, I feel closer with the Universe.  Heck, actually, I feel one with the Universe here.  That there is no space, no time between us.

Reiki Sanctuary is my sacred space.  It guides and contains my conscience.  It is a mandala of sort, my personal mandala, where time is dedicated on resolving issues.  Like a mandala, it is my manifestation tool.  It is where I bring my consciousness into focus.  After which, I am allowing the law of attractions and vibrations to fill the vacuum between me and the Universe.  Till the vacuum becomes none.  Nothingness.

I find joy here.  I am at peace here.  I feel the presence of many joyful and peaceful things in this blog.  I feel the presence of my guides.  I feel the presence of spirits.  Each time I start to work something here, I feel connected to the Universe, to God.  It is, as though, I am having a good time making conversation with Him.  Perhaps, that is the reason why some of my friends would say that I am long-winded here.  When I feel that strong connection, there is just no stopping.  Guess, when we feel safe and peaceful somewhere, we just do not want to leave that place.

Yesterday, I put down my thoughts for a dear friend - My Love For You Is True.  I wanted my prayers for him to be heard.  I wanted his issues be guided.  I believe in the power of prayers.

Today, I received an email from him and just feel that it is only right that I post it here.  That, his message be written in Reiki Sanctuary, his mandala to be cared by the Universe.
Dearest xxxxx,

I've just finished reading your blog and am really touched by your very kind words, thoughts and most importantly your prayers. I will be needing it more so now, as I throw off this old cloak that seems to want to follow me and weigh me down.

I felt so much better, lighter and refreshed after chatting with you and slept very well that night, waking up fresh the next morning to turn a new page, take a new road and face a better outlook ahead, leaving whatever 'trash' behind. ....... I have joyously released my past and am free from it.......thank you, Universe!! Thank You xxxx Dear for your loving prayers!!

Yes we all have come a long way together and I know there will be many many more years of joy and laughter to share. Yes the love and friendship between us never ceases to amaze me and I feel recharged, with bonds more strengthened and alive, everytime we meet, even if it is for brief spells. You have become my life's 'battery charger' and I too feel privileged to be part of your life and will always appreciate your kindness and ever enduring you have to be strong for me now...!!

Thank You, Greg.

Thank You, Universe.

    About Me

    I am a certified Master in Traditional USUI REIKI and KARUNA REIKI. I am also a certified practitioner in MAGNIFIED HEALING and INNER DANCE.

    I have been teaching and conducting spirituality, healing and energy works (including Breathing Techniques, Meditation and Spinal Qiqong) for more than two decades.

    These are the classes I conduct:
    (for Individual and/or Groups)

    a) Life / Motivational Coach
    b) Usui Reiki (all the 4 levels)
    c) Awareness Before Change
    d) Born Rich
    e) Tibetan Geomancy ** (reading and consultation)

    ** Please have your house plan


    In Reiki Sanctuary, we feel blessed. We feel the abundance and greatly appreciate for all that have been showered. We can only keep counting ..

    [Continue Reading ...]


    All emails are private and confidential

    Need Healing?

    I offer Reiki Distant Healing (See REIKI HOSPITAL OF LIFE for more information) for those who seek healing, higher & spiritual guidance.

    Do contact me should you want me to add you to this healing space. You might want to share your issues via email.

    I do not charge for doing this service; there is no fee involved. My intention is pure as I truly believe it is always good that we can attain to be with our Highest Self.

    We deserve to be healthy, peaceful and joyful.