Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Tombstone

Certainly down the road, few weeks and months from today - even years, when I look back into Reiki Sanctuary (the blog), a nostalgia will  surely sweep into my memories.  Whenever it happens, I am thankful for it all. I want to admit, I have a beautiful life.

It will raise the intention to the reason why I first start a web-logged publishing in 2008.  It will remind me of all those random thoughts to let go when the blog platform ceases. It will remind me of a promise that should not be broken, when it is made. And what would leave me with next?

In a bigger wishful thinking, I should be glad that I have kept my conviction. That, I have kept the Universe with me all these while. That, I have managed thus far to keep my promises. To be, with the blessings of the Universe, of what and who I am. To start VOX, about two years ago, is definitely a rewarding step towards becoming a better me.

I have to take charge of my thought should I want to let the Universe to provide me. Yes, promises might be broken but they have to have valid reasons. Should I not want Universe to hurt me, then I should not hurt the Universe. I should have faith with my vows. With my promises. Words are energy; they are alive. When they are made, things around me will progress in a productive manner. It is just the Law of Attractions and Vibrations.

For me, nostalgic feeling by itself is a positive reinforcement.  It means that I am not missing something good and that I have been lucky enough to experience, to feel and to appreciate.

I am feeling rather sentimental today.  It is the last day for VOX existence.  From this date onward, as mentioned by Team VOX, the "blog will no longer be available".  Perhaps, what's left as from 1st October, when clicking to the site, will just be an empty page with an error message.

It is true that in life, there are always times which we have to go through where people have to leave and the feelings which have to fade.  Indeed, "VOX has been a fun place to explore, create and connect with friends".  I may probably lose some of them.

Time passes, events flow, feelings develop and, importantly, we grow.  However, it does not mean that my life - and yours, is worse than it has been before.  It does not mean that we have to forget who we have been, where we are from and what we have felt.

I would definitely be remembering VOX, the blogosphere that made me to evolve with my personality.  The joy that starts with showing-off the new home gradually develops into a playground for my mundane beliefs of spiritual guidance in life.  Of who I want to be; of what is the life I seek to have.  VOX provides that platform to raise my search for a meaningful earthly life.

VOX has taught me to bring substance into my essence.  And, to stay true to what I dearly committed.  I want my soul to sing songs of joy, of peace that accompanies me throughout the day and the depth for awareness of a simple life.  At the same time, for the atoms and molecules of Light to shine through my light being. 

VOX comes with a realization for space and time.  It awakens the dream within me.  I feel very connected, and usually feel that I am home, when I turn on to Reiki Sanctuary's page.  It has become a place of refuge, of connecting me with the Universe and a retreat to my soul.  It is a blog platform served as a factotum to who and everything I AM.

It is a platform where, in the words of Carl Jung, "the universal principle is even into the smallest particle, which therefore, correspond to the the whole".

I am so glad that the energy of blogging keeps me alive.  In many ways, my imagination (or perception or unconscious) always makes me to travel and pass the frontier.  It becomes the bridge between the physical person I am into the physcial universe senses and helping me to understand the perfect physical harmony existing between us.

I am glad, while with VOX, that I have touched some people.  I am soaking with all the good and the bad as a reflection from where I am to where I were before.  It is a feeling which will always remind me that I still have a soul and that my soul is still alive.

The whole organism about VOX is like doing meditation, with all the effects and benefits which could not be felt immediately but slowly.  It is a working habit for the same purpose.  This fact takes significance only in the moment I take conscience of it.  It is good spirituality.

VOX is a sacred space for me to be ever watchful of any emotions which invade into my mental space and to take steps to eliminate undesirable ones and to replace them with the desirable.  I am grateful for its existence.  For its presence that changes the vibrations of my mind.

I am thankful for the good, and the not so good, that comes with VOX.  That, it does heal my mind of any negativity which is affecting me.  VOX is a true physical platform that puts me back to be in touch with my higher mind.  And through it, to the universal mind.

VOX has led me to become consciously aware for all that is there for me in life.  With every posting, I am actually acknowledging the gift of life.  It is releasing a dynamic current of energy flow of the highest vibrations into the Univese.  In return, the flow returns back to me.

Today, I crave the grave with love and gratitude.  I just want to make it formal.  Because you have been the strength to further my faith.  Because you have been the light.

It is to serve me with greater purpose to keep web-logging.  For me to honor the source of my intention for something greater.  For my soul to be committed and for all faith, hope and love be amplified deep within me.  I have taken to write further and I shall not just abandon it because you are now gone.

"With Love", VOX!

You have made me to love the life I have and there is no other life I would rather live with. I am praying that there will be no other questions, in future, where I have to answer for losing this conviction.

You shall leave, with not any other better ways, for me attain what's missing or to eliminate what is un-necessary. This is where all the adventures take place. This is where I learn to step out of my comfort zone and to confront all my fears from expressing my feelings, my thoughts and my emotions.

I am counting my blessings and truly thankful for what you have given me.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Remembering To Forget

We may have all the things that we wanted, yet life can still be a struggle. We may think that we have achieved them all, yet there is always - and there would be, that little something that remains never enough. We may think that our beliefs or ideals have insured us happiness, but when we look at the realities of life, this is but an illusion.

We keep going round and round in the circles. We keep getting the feeling, that something is, still amiss. Even when we try to dismiss any thoughts of any of those missed opportunities, we cannot escape the feelings of despair that can ravage us. The way to all possibilities goes winding, flowing with the wind and the whole passage seems endless.

It is a terrible cycle. Going from one thing to another, just fighting and struggling to keep going. How much does a person need to go through life to sacrifice?

Working with ideas is a struggle in its own right. Even while we remain firmly grounded, our struggles cannot be divorced from the real world, from the world of practice. From all the people struggling to change and from the masses of people in all the different endeavours and in each of their spheres of life.

It is made worse when we add with our own struggles that we cannot identify within our soul and the thousand thoughts and their quizzical and magical patterns; our desires and our wants. At any time, when all seems well, we often are back to deal with yet another cycle.

We may seek meditation, or yoga or just walking quietly in the garden, to quieten our thoughts and to bring harmony that we hope to achieve. We may be able to find peace, in our awareness, for a time. We can distract ourselves for hours on end, but our struggles always come back. All of a sudden, seemingly out of the blue, we sit up, take stock and realize our actual situation in life.

Our minds are often so complex that we will never be able to grasp the pattern of our thoughts. That we will never fully accept the way of the Universe in providing us. Perhaps, we are never wise enough to comprehend the synchronicity of events that prevails right in front of our eyes. The process that supposedly simple yet the mind twisted it into a mental trickery . Our minds will always remain unfulfilled internally no matter how huge the magnitude of our outward accomplishments.

We can, forever, go on to fool ourselves. We can go on to think that when we have achieved something and that we are done. Thing is, we are not. One event leads to another and we let ourselves to engage another complexity to it and make it not right to our feeling. All our accomplishments can be everything and then they can all mean nothing. Our mind triggers yet another thing and we shall remain unhappy - and struggles start all over again, in our relentless pursuit of something else.

Are we doomed to suffer, and live a life in a tunnel of greyness, since our attempt towards fulfillment puts us in this endless cycle. Life becomes a struggle with endless conflicts. It happens all the time. It affects anyone day to day. Ironically, in our pursuit to resolve something, we manipulate something else so that the end results satisfy us.

I have had walked that path countless times. Picking myself up on every falls. Celebrating the joy in every achievements. Tears that accompany me in every sorrow and in every joy. The river of life that cleanses and yet bringing another story. I had my deepest fears and so did I have a wonderful bliss of God consciousness. Through them all, I wonder where would I go from there.

Few weeks back, I made an honest heart-to-heart confession to a friend. I am glad that I did it. A friend whom I hold with high respect; someone whom I know will throw light as well as to motivate me. That will show me a practical and spiritual road map, to be filled with uplifting anecdotes for my soul to recognize on the meaning of life. For me to sync with the language of the universe. I am so thankful for her brief visit.

She made me to let go of my limiting beliefs and to conquer my fears. She made me to discover a deeper sense of my missing true identity and how to translate my inner self into the reality of leading the life that I were meant to live. She came at the right time when I felt my energy had just plateaued.

Abraham Maslow said it best about struggles. He stated that when our basic survival needs are met, it's imperative that we move to our higher, or meta-needs, to "self-actualize." He warned about what could happen when we ignore these needs: "If the essential core of the person is denied or suppressed, he gets sick sometimes in obvious ways, sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes immediately, sometimes later."

We long for a change and perpectually finding chances to re-think and re-design our lives. It is only natural as we set new goals every time. Guess, that is how the word Re-Member comes into play here. There is another realm of depth and sensitivity available in life that, somehow, we are just not seeing it. We feel insulated from all the experiences by some sort of sensory cotton. We are not really touching life. Without us knowing, our mind gives us that vague awareness and, often, we think that we are back to the same old reality. The world looks like the usual foul place.

How we choose to structure our life varies according to our distinct needs and desires. When we make the choices, we have to measure both the inner and outer demands. We need to be honest with our self and be imaginative, yet assertive and truthful, in working out ways to have what we want. We need to yearn for the heights and to remember to forget that we shall not spend a lot of our time down at the bottom of the ramp.

I want to remember to forget. However, remembering to forget requires a deep sense of faith. It calls us to live with our higher self. It needs more than a gumption to accept in the power of struggle as the drive way for our freedom.

As a human, I still have the tendency in forgetting to remember that I have discovered and pursued my callings thus far. I keep forgetting to remember that there are no universal answers or formulas for the good life. And, there are also no universal answers or formulas for the not-so-good life. What is good for another person may not be good for me. To remember that an authentic, passionate life is something that must be discovered and uncovered within me and by me alone.

I am forgetting to remember that I have choices in this life. In all my lifetime. I have the the right to what I feel that I deserve.

Life is, in its nothingness, full of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, tragedies and triumphs. The truth is, it is all in the book called Life. We just need to be able to be present with what is here and to recognize that we have a choice in how to respond.

Another friend told me that first love and the last love is self love. I want to remember to forget all those that do not bring higher purpose when connecting to authenticate my true self. Life is about making peace within; the letting go of daily struggles. Expectations can be fraught with problems.

I want to remember not to forget to tune into my thoughts, my feelings and my emotions. To take notice of them and then to accept "This is it!". I guess what I want to remember to forget is that all life's struggles are not about pain, nor loss, but embarking onto a journey of exploration for a better life. Of a higher quality.

In the language of the Universe, as I am letting my thought flows here, I stumble into these:

(These are excerpts from the TV Series, Heroes)

Where does it come from? This quest... this need to solve life's mysteries for the simplest of questions can never be answered. Why are we here? What is the soul? Why do we dream? Perhaps we would be better off not looking at all. Not delving, not yearning. That's not human nature, not the human heart. That is not why we are here.

This quest... this need to solve life's mysteries. In the end what does it matter when the human heart can only find meaning in the smallest of moments? They're here... among us... in the shadows, in the light, everywhere. Do they even know yet?

We all imagine ourselves the agents of our destiny. Capable of determining our own fate. But have we truly any choice in when we rise... or when we fall... or does a force larger than ourselves bid us our direction? Is it evolution that takes us by the hand... does science point our way... or is it God who intervenes... keeping us safe?

For all his bluster, it is the sad province of Man that he cannot choose his triumph. He can only choose how he will stand when the call of destiny comes... hoping that he'll have the courage to answer.

When evolution selects its agents it does so at a cost. It makes demands in exchange for singularity and you may be asked to do something against your very nature. Suddenly the change in your life that should've been wonderful comes as a betrayal. It may seem cruel, but the goal is nothing short of self-preservation... survival.

This force, evolution, is not sentimental. Like the Earth itself, it knows only the hard facts of life's struggle with death. All you can do is hope and trust that when you've served its needs faithfully... there may still remain some glimmer... of the life you once knew.

Sometimes questions are more powerful than answers. How is this happening? What are they? Why them and not others? Why now? What does it all mean?

When a change comes, some species feel the urge to migrate, they call it "zugunruhe", a pull of the soul to a far off place. Following a scent in the wind, a star in the sky. The ancient message comes calling the kindred to take flight, and gather together. Only then can they hope to survive the cruel season to come. 

I always believe that the Universe does not abandon us. It will always stay beside us to bring us up yet to another level. We just need to understand and we need to learn the lessons first. We need to remember and we need to forget.

We need to let go, for love to come.
We need to forgive, for love to come.
We need to accept, for love to come.
We need to struggle, for love to come.
We need to love, for love to come.

Everyday, we will not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is the architect of life towards learning our lessons. It has been designed that way; an engineering for us to ignore all the good things happening around us to focus on something that we cannot even touch yet.

The good news is, we will eventually succeed. We will, eventually, be able to handle the emotional roller coaster. We need to remember to forget that we live in a culture, and ideology, that is crazy. We need to caste away our seek for standardization, our revere for precision and our aspiration for control.

No, I am not here to tell myself, nor to anyone, that I can tell heaven from hell nor blue skies from pain. But still, there has to be a better way for me to find it out without second guessing. I need to remember to forget the limitations to my present belief system - that I see what I want to see but I should not believe what I see.

It is said that perception is just a projection and not fact. Do I want to be right or do I want to be happy? Do I want to see that I am very capable and responsible, or would I rather suffer as a victim of Universe? I need to remember to forget to engage with life defencelessly but to wake up to the Self I really am.

I need to remember to experience a state of mind that I have almost forgotten. Our inner knowing does not announce itself nor does it insist. Our mind does not know what is the right way nor what is the best thing. But when I can accept the fact that intellect can never really know, I should be aware of an inner movement within me. Not knowing is always a good way that brings with it an incredible freedom and peace of mind.

I need to remember to forget the agony of the need to control. When I let go of my need to control, I am free to receive. Control is resistance.

I cannot ever get everything that I want, all at once. Perhaps, not in a lifetime. It is just impossible. But the Universe does give me another option. That I can learn to control my mind, to step outside of this endless cycle of desire and aversion. I can learn to not want what I want, to recognize desires but not be controlled by them.

I must remember not to forget that I can continue to live a very normal life but to live it from a whole new view point. I can do the things that any person must do, but I am free from that obsessive, compulsive driveness of my own desires. I can continue to want something but I don't need to chase after it.

I must remember not to forget that life can bring the soul to a state of tranquility and awareness, a state of concentration and insight. I need to remember that civilization changes man on the outside. I need to forget all the negativities related to struggle but to remember that 'Struggle' is a great teacher. It is the crucible fire that works slowly through understanding. The greater the understanding, life becomes a world with a deep and uncritical love.

There is only one way we will ever know if Remembering To Forget is worth the effort. We just have to learn to do it right, and do it. And, to see it for ourselves.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Because You're Loved, My Dear

Last month, in August, with an unplanned schedule, we ended visiting Thailand again. It was our second trip this year. As usual, the routine was to stay in Bangkok (for few nights) and Pattaya (for a longer stay) to catch up with some friends.

Thailand was a country that we would not mind visiting, again and again. Forget about her political hiccup, the country offered somewhat a spiritual retreat to the soul. I had always regarded Thailand, without any historical foreign invasion and occupation nor influence, a land that brought internal peace within. There was always the gentleness in the air that kept my soul intact.

In Bangkok, we were back doing the same old itinerary. With the help of a dear friend, based there, we got to stay in Dusit Thani Hotel. This time around, we got ourselves upgraded to a Deluxe room.

Dusit Thani, Bangkok

The Comfy King-sized Bed

The Big Glass Bathroom

One of the MUST-Do thing in Bangkok was to have our regular massage.  We would indulge almost every day, at times as long as three hours, for a superb clean Thai massage.  At Baht100 for an hour, we didn't mind to get our bodies twisted-and-turned and our bones 'cracked'.  May Massage should be the place to visit for a good traditional Thai massage.  It was the cheapest we found in the capital.  We would rate the place to be clean and comfortable.

May Massage, which is just above the Big Mama Restaurant

We would do exactly the same thing when we traveled to Pattaya.  For a different experience, we had another form of Thai massage.  This time round, we had some kind of Acu-pressure massage done by the local Thai Blind Massage Institute.  This form of massage could be painful yet relaxing.  The masseurs usually engaged their intuitive skills, perhaps their gifts to feel, to heal ailments and problems.

Thai Blind Massage Institute in Jomtien, Pattaya

Our stay in Pattaya - it was Jomtien to be specific, had always been eat-sleep-and-relax holidays.  Here, we always enjoyed the kind hospitality of - with gratitude, our dearest friend.  His place just let us to do nothing but to feel relaxed every day.

Such a relaxing home here

.. and the long way up ..

This time round, our visit to Thailand was kinda different.  Relaxing yes but it was also a journey towards celebrating Reiki Sanctuary.  We did a lot of shopping which we never had done such with all our Thailand visits so far.  Come next month, we would have stayed here for two years.

We just wanted to expand Reiki Sanctuary.  To dress her up for the anniversary.  To raise the vibration of energy within.  It was about love.

The shopping [Pictures Galore]:

The Twin Ballerina

The Hand
The Chimes

The Wall Clocks

The Paintings

The Statues

The Rugs

The Wood Collections 

More Wood Collection - The Thinking Man
and More More Wood from Chatuchak Market, Bangkok

The Yoga a.k.a. Fat Women Collections

Indeed, it was very fulfilling for us.  Reiki Sanctuary had her share in our growth.  With her blessings, we did not get any problem with the Immigration and Customs both in Thailand and Singapore.

For now, we are just looking forward to live with these items together.  That, each one of them will have a place and a part to play in Reiki Sanctuary.

The Celebration of Life

With gratitude, with abundance - because you are loved!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Imperfect Perfection

The feeling is always good when we are in our comfort zone.  But not when we are forced out to a new ground.

For good two years, I grew to know VOX.  It was not easy in the beginning but I managed to explore the platform well.  I was able to organize all that I desired into my own style.  VOX was not a choice but a platform that I was introduced to.  Then, blogging amongst some friends was kinda the in-thing.  Each of us just wanted to have one and to own one with the idea that we will be blogging forever.  Few of them started off with VOX and I was, naturally, guided.  Somehow, I just liked it.  I like the simple layout and within weeks, I was able to blog and used the blogging tools.  And, on top of that, it was free hosted.

In 2008, blogging was new to me and it was certainly not practical to set up a self hosted platform.  I had tried to learn but failed.  Yes, back then, I had little drive to take up internet network challenges.  Perhaps, it coupled with the the idea that I had to pay for my own self hosted domain and to maintain it.

There were other blogging platforms.  Amongst others, there were Live Journal, Wordpress and Blogger - to name few.  VOX was easy to set up and it provided me the tools.  Blogging became fun as I was able to upload my photos and videos.  Reiki Sanctuary in VOX, afterall, was about my renovation process.  Like any proud house owner, I was too proud to show-off every bits of it.  I was happy to show photos and videos of the renovation.

I did consider Blogger but never got to it.   Afterall, I had become very comfortable with VOX.  I had learned a little bit more about HTML and was able to design my own widget sidebar.  Uploading media was easy and the best thing, VOX was able to host it into libraries.  I didn't have to rely on third party to host the media.

The past few days have made me a little frustrated here in Blogger.

Let's start with the positive.  There are new things that I like about it, like having Pages where I could publish static information on stand-alone pages that linked from my blog.  Adding widget sidebar is another impressive thing.  Blogger has Google Gadgets that is being integrated into the design template with an array of customization options for easy tweaking.

Pages in Blogger

Gadgets in Blogger

My writings in VOX was first exported to Typepad, which VOX Management has kindly made it easy for me.  With Blogger's easy import and export function, I was then able to export the entire blog here thereafter.  Guess, the good thing about a good blogging platform is the ever improving support.

Perhaps, I have been inside my comfort zone in VOX far too long.  With all its comfort, it had actually made me a lazy person.  Choosing Blogger requires me to expand before I can grow.

Perhaps, I am still new to Blogger and yet to get used to it.  But, as of now, I find it troublesome to sign-up to third party hosts to store my media library.  Guess, I am complaining as I have to do another extra thing.  Then, there is a limit to the upload and to store all my photos and videos with third party.

Life is, indeed, dangling on a myriad of learning curves.  Now that I am a Blogger, it opens another zone for me to enter.  It teaches me to learn and to strive while maintaining my faith to continue blogging for my own personal reasons and goals.

I can only pray for all things good to happen here.

Friday, September 10, 2010

"Thank You", Vox!

You may have your reasons to end this blog platform.  For all that's worth, I am grateful to have been part of you.  I am grateful for my growth thus far.  I am grateful for what life has given me through this blog, through all my writings. 

It is with you that I learn about blogging.  It is through you that I learn to expand my knowledge about networking.  That has given me the chance to narrow down the space between me and the Universe.

Life goes on.  I wish you all the best.  At least, that's the least I can do.  I enjoy my stay here.  It has been a place to fill all that I need.  I don't have to worry about sharing my photos, my videos and my music to all my friends and families - all under one platform.  You have been a place expanding my horizons and allowing me to make new friends.

And "Thank You" for making the migration easier.  Indeed, you do care.

Today, I am making the decision to move.  Where I will still continue to write, to share and to keep the close proximity of my life, and all my desires, with the Universe.  I am thankful to some friends who talked me into it; that I should not give up what I had started.

I have chosen to continue my writing in Blogger.  Afterall, blogging has become such a part of me, a part of my spiritual growth.  It is a part of Reiki Sanctuary and an essence towards bringing me the peace of mind.  

My new site is Reiki Sanctuary's New Site at Blogger

Thank You, Vox!

And many thanks to all those who read my blog.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

The Final Curtain

Hmm, little that I expect that Vox will come to an end.  Early this month, Vox bloggers received a note that the social networking blog platform - which took off in 2006, will be shutting down at the end of September.

The news comes as a surprised and not in a good time, at least for me.  I have to make a decision and a quick one too.  Vox will cease to hold all contents till the end of September.  It will be, indeed, wasteful should I not keep the content (my thoughts) and not exporting it elsewhere.

I wonder at the twist of time.  Should I continue to write my thoughts?  Or should I just learn to quieten my mind and recourse its buzz elsewhere?

Reiki Sanctuary, the blog, started on 15 March, 2008.  Then, in its first entry, I wrote:

"Every end is a new beginning.  And this blog is about that - it is the end of an inert energy and to be proactive with my new environment.

I guess the time is right.  I want to express my feelings.  And it comes with the joy of setting up a new home and a farewell to a sanctuary that housed me for the last 20 years.  It shall be about moving on and letting go - and to celebrate the end and the new beginning.

It is said that CHANGE comes in 3 ways:

01.  From experience
02.  From learning and
03.  From crisis/catastrophe

In my case, and for the birth of this blog, it is definitely arises from an emotional crisis where I have to uproot from Hertford - and my friends called it the mountain of my hideout, to somewhere new.

I have always wanted to write a blog.  Often, my mind has so much things going on.  I always felt it would be good to calm it down by writing the thoughts - to imprint them so that I can reflect the values, mind mapping my path and let it serve as foundation where I should honour and embrace permanently into my life.

Day after day, year after year and they just passed.  And today, I am happy with the invigorating energy that has sparked into an explosion of joy.  I have a blog!

To my readers, and I do hope there'll be, a warmth welcome into my life. Hopefully, as i walk my life each day, we get to share and learn together."

I am a believer that one must be proactive and to honour his decision.  It is about conviction.  It is about committment.  It is about an energy that will form a bigger exchange.

Looking back, this blog has served its purpose.  Energetically, it has brought changes in my life.  I am grateful.

The Vox News

Vox is closing on September 30, 2010

Vox has been a fun place to explore, create and connect with your friends. But Vox is closing its doors on September 30, 2010.

What you need to know

    * As of September 2, Vox is no longer accepting new user registrations.  If you have an existing Vox account you can continue to sign in to manage your account and view posts from your neighborhood.

    * On Wednesday September 15th, you will no longer be able to create new posts on Vox or upload new photos or videos. You will still be able to sign in to view your blog and manage your account.

    * On Thursday September 30th, your blog will no longer be available at, and you will no longer be able to sign in to Vox.

What's Next?

I have chosen to continue writing.  Problem is, I am not sure where to migrate yet.  Vox has been quite a place for me.  Its platform serves me well.  Though, there are limitations, it is capable to house media library.  WordPress, Bloggers and TypePad lack in this area but they are good at something else.

    About Me

    I am a certified Master in Traditional USUI REIKI and KARUNA REIKI. I am also a certified practitioner in MAGNIFIED HEALING and INNER DANCE.

    I have been teaching and conducting spirituality, healing and energy works (including Breathing Techniques, Meditation and Spinal Qiqong) for more than two decades.

    These are the classes I conduct:
    (for Individual and/or Groups)

    a) Life / Motivational Coach
    b) Usui Reiki (all the 4 levels)
    c) Awareness Before Change
    d) Born Rich
    e) Tibetan Geomancy ** (reading and consultation)

    ** Please have your house plan


    In Reiki Sanctuary, we feel blessed. We feel the abundance and greatly appreciate for all that have been showered. We can only keep counting ..

    [Continue Reading ...]


    All emails are private and confidential

    Need Healing?

    I offer Reiki Distant Healing (See REIKI HOSPITAL OF LIFE for more information) for those who seek healing, higher & spiritual guidance.

    Do contact me should you want me to add you to this healing space. You might want to share your issues via email.

    I do not charge for doing this service; there is no fee involved. My intention is pure as I truly believe it is always good that we can attain to be with our Highest Self.

    We deserve to be healthy, peaceful and joyful.