God, Shine Your Rays of Light Into Me and So To All The People I Love
The one thing, and perhaps the only important thing, that I would allow my soul to nurture is to expand love in my Being. But, before I let it to grow, it is important that I (must) know the life force energy it manifests. It is important that I realize the fluid to how it flows and the crystallization it shapes. The word 'Love' in itself is often misleading. We often associate the word with the wonderful and majestic feeling of one that only encourages a joyful and peaceful state of being.
'Love' is a state of emotion. Either we love to love or we love to hate. Ironically, this state of emotion is never questioned. When all things turn out good and well, we believe that we are doing them out of love. When there is a happy ending, we are convinced there is the work of love at play. We think that we have done the right thing and all things right. Deep in our mind, we save the grace that we have achieved all perceptual, emotional and behavioral purposes to have done with the common language of love. There is usually no question asked.
In Love Is A Process Of Growth, I mentioned that "Love is an essential part of faith" where "we do things out of love for something, whether it is sacrificial or self interested". Perhaps, we have been indoctrinated psychologically to think that love is all about loving acts and how human places in it. We do not draw it to the same conclusion when it comes to anger, betrayal, complaints, hate, lies, jealousy, sorrow and its like. We assume these states of emotions derive from another set of belief, another nature of reality. That these negative aspects of life is not love but self centered mindset.
The point is, whenever we act and/or think positive or negative, the state of love is in play. Love is a condition of consciousness within the state of our emotions. We become what we think about. Let's face it, all the things that we do have to do with the emotion of love. Love is the energy that we give to flow with our thought process. Be it to make us to feel good or bad. Be it that it involves joy or pain. When there is love, there is a motion. When there is love, desires to act come naturally.
The difference here, either we love to love or we love to hate, is how we want to draw the compatible conclusions for ourselves. Should we want to lead a joyful and peaceful life, we should emphasize love to love. Should we empower the universal love and to love and be loved, we ought to live love to love. This is, however, a great task doing so.
This is a process where we have to build courage and not let any negative emotions come into play. Nor should we allow the slightest of it to harbour in our hearts. We must not let it to crystallize to let us become a bitter person. We must not let the fluid of love moulds into destruction. We should not magnify any disappointments, along the way, to turn love to hate.
It does sound like one big noble thing. Are we not curious what love can do to us? If two people that have the same facts and state of emotion about an issue, then - if they both are logical - would they not draw the same conclusions? Unfortunately, our state of being leads different outcomes.
In the following events, I am presenting cases where the state of love leads to a different element of consciousness and the design and purpose of nature.
Event One
Sam, just to name a name, has a bad misunderstanding with his long friends. After all these years, perhaps he is experiencing some pain in his life, Sam blots out. He feels angry and starts to distance himself from them. He feels that his friends do not care for him anymore. That they are all superficial and he thinks that they do not even care whether or not he lives or dies. Sam feels that he is just another friend, just another stranger.
His friends has a choice. Either they sing his same tune and move on or they view this event to derive a powerful experience.
Event Two
Kristy, just to name a name, decides to move in to stay with her sister. While she feels it is her obligation to help with her sister's financial situation, Tara - Kristy's sister - has a different lifestyle. Tara is very much an OCD at home where she insists on a clean and tidy house. Kristy, on the other hand, feels so long a house is tidy and neat, it does not have to be cleaned every day.
Such a conflicting lifestyle drifts their relationship. Tara takes it at another level complaining about Kristy.
In both events, one can either love to love or love to hate. Such situations put change in people. Such change is not easy especially when there are so much sharing going on. It requires, however, steps of consciousness and re-evaluation. Here, we are faced to deal with the most basic question in life - love or hate? What then is the design and purpose of nature? Why do things happen as they do?
Should we are to view at Nature, it is plain neutral. It is how we exercise the state of emotion to act and react accordingly. For individuals who love to love will view both the situations as the absolute truth that leads to Love. It shapes on faith and hope. It gives rise to a higher level of consciousness, that is Compassion.
However, there are groups that love to hate. When such events take place, they feel it is a threat to human survival and it springs another fragment of consciousness. They can harbour negative feelings that lead to division and separation. Unfortunately, some of these people may feel it is their right for acting that way. Sadly, in my opinion, forgiveness is not their forte.
However, to understand the depth and complexity of the outcome from these two events, we must look deeper than the traditional label of our alleged divine beings. Such an analysis will only provide us to understand how to cope, how we can become a better individual. Is there a need for us always to be right? How can we learn to accept that we are not and at the same time to understand others?
We need to ask ourselves: How can we transform ourselves and people around us to become open
minded? That we can live life to love to love. In all reality. humans are well meaning even when their actions are otherwise. It will not make any logical sense if we are to love to hate them just because we cannot get along well. Importantly, we need to realize that is unhealthy to be prejudiced against the source.
This writing shall be 'A Note To Myself' so that I can enrich my soul into what it should be - Pure Soul.