God, Provide Me What Is Mine.
Basically, there are two types of conduct that people will do to get what they want. There is either a motivational goal where we fight for what we want or we choose to formulate in thinking to achieve its ends. Either way, there is no right nor wrong representation as all human activities are aimed at something good, i.e. the goal to which they are directed. However, the good is that, which one is attempting to achieve versus failure or just acting aimlessly.
Either way, it shows that there are choices. It is a matter of choosing the best attitude that works best, that suits the individual and how he thinks. There are many people, often with good reason, who believe that they should fight for what they want. They will go all way out, sometimes to the extent of trading in with sacrifices, in order to get with what their hearts desire. It does not matter, let's be honest, in the process that they hurt some other people along the way. What is important to them, they get to own their winning prize.