Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dedication: Hertford - You Will Always Be Remembered

Both of us realised that we are going through anxiety stress over the
last few weeks.  It is only natural.  Uprooting is never an easy thing
to undergo, especially when we have spent 20 years in one place.
For the last few days, I started feeling sad - not because I am troubled.  I always believe that every house has a soul and when the occupant/owner has invested a lot of energy into it, it is only natural that this soul feels 'abandoned'.  The soul knows that we will move out.
I am sensitive to the energy around me.  Naturally, the 'sad-abandoned' Hertford energy gets into me.  It is not an anger energy but a very subtle universal energy that is wishing me, on this separation, the joy to move on.  While this energy is soft and subtle, the psychological thought of moving out is harder.
Hertford is my hide-out.  My sanctuary.  I am always very comfortable staying in the house without going out, sometimes even up to a week.  Change is constant and year 2008 marks a year that we are shifting gear and changing new phase in our lives.  It is, with the GAIA vibrations, an inevitable energy shift for the two of us.
Pictures of Hertford:
The Main Building

Hertford - Car Park Area

The Unit Layout

Inside The House

I will never look back regretting to live in Hertford.  It was a place where my spirituality took to a higher ground.  It filled endlessly with love and compassion.  It was a place, a house, that developed our character, our vision, our committment.  And there's nothing that we can trade that with something else.

Today, I shall give my gratitude to Hertford.  You have sheltered me.  You have sustained me.  You have made me to grow.  In you, I learned to trust life.  Thank You!

    About Me

    I am a certified Master in Traditional USUI REIKI and KARUNA REIKI. I am also a certified practitioner in MAGNIFIED HEALING and INNER DANCE.

    I have been teaching and conducting spirituality, healing and energy works (including Breathing Techniques, Meditation and Spinal Qiqong) for more than two decades.

    These are the classes I conduct:
    (for Individual and/or Groups)

    a) Life / Motivational Coach
    b) Usui Reiki (all the 4 levels)
    c) Awareness Before Change
    d) Born Rich
    e) Tibetan Geomancy ** (reading and consultation)

    ** Please have your house plan


    In Reiki Sanctuary, we feel blessed. We feel the abundance and greatly appreciate for all that have been showered. We can only keep counting ..

    [Continue Reading ...]


    Email @ Reiki Sanctuary

    All emails are private and confidential

    Need Healing?

    I offer Reiki Distant Healing (See REIKI HOSPITAL OF LIFE for more information) for those who seek healing, higher & spiritual guidance.

    Do contact me should you want me to add you to this healing space. You might want to share your issues via email.

    I do not charge for doing this service; there is no fee involved. My intention is pure as I truly believe it is always good that we can attain to be with our Highest Self.

    We deserve to be healthy, peaceful and joyful.