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The Voices of My Soul

I enjoy writing. It relaxes me.
It makes me to take charge to nurture my mind and spirit.
It is far better than the burden of thinking and talking.
Writing is self discovery. Writing is a way towards my self-conviction:
I Become What I Think About. The Me I See, The Me I Will Be.

My writings are my way to communicate with the Universe.
They are my expressions of my inner voice. They are voices of my soul.
Often, they are about little prayers for my development, growth and well being.
Often, they are meant to shape my spirituality. [>> Click To Read More]

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Showing posts with label hertford. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hertford. Show all posts

Thursday, December 18, 2008

It Is Only A GoodBye To Yesterday

"Thank You" to all my friends, you really make me feel that we are bonded, for calling or sms-ing and asking about Ruby.

Geez, what was I thinking!  Guess, I just have to make it sounds right now.

Hehe, my entry, "You're Not Just A Memory" was just a reminiscence of the good old days at Hertford.  It was about the weekly walk where we took Ruby out.  It had always been a wonderful activity where, together with her, we spent quality time talking about anything and everything.  It brought us closer.  It gave us the meaning of love.  At the same time, it was about acquainted ourselves with the neighbourhood.

Those pictures are Ruby's story.  She enjoys her weekly outing.  Oh, you may ask 'why only once a week?'  Healthy she may look, she has a genetic 'Heart Mitral Valve (MVD)' disease.  Basically, it is a terminal illness which afflicts many Cavalier King Charles spaniel where the mitral valve no longer fully closes after each pumping action.  It results in her heart murmuring -  a louder murmur [scale of 1 - lowest, to 5 - highest] indicates a serious progression of the disease.  Ruby has been screened at scale 3.

We are also trying to minimise Hip Dysplasia, an abnormal development of the hip which can produce various degrees of arthritis.  Ruby loves to run and it will not do justice if she is not given that opportunity whenever she is outside the house.  To lessen our conscience, and as she is growing older, we choose to walk her weekly.

Such diseases can be avoided if only breeders are more responsible.  Then again, this is another story.  With her rather-not-so-good health, Ruby is on a daily long term medication to treat the murmur.  Or, at least to stabilize the murmur.  Everyday, she has to be fed with two different MVD medications.  Aggravated with MVD, she had a bout of other health problems.  Her vet suspected of a failing kidney and, unfortunate to her, she has to be given with another daily long term medication to treat and vitalize the organ.

You're Not Just A Memory is a dedication to Hertford.  I just wanted to write it from Ruby's perspective.  She was comfortable there.  Just as much memories to us, Hertford was the rainbow that brought the connection of our existence.  Of life lesson.  Of unconditional love.  Of acceptance.  Of the acts of caring and loving.  Of responsibilities.

She is alright, just a little older and not so much active now.  Hehe, and still greedy and enjoying her durian everyday.  And still wanting to be near human all the time!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

You're Not Just A Memory

This used to be my playground
This used to be the place I ran to
That no one in the world could dare destroy

The best things in life are always free

You're not just a memory
Say goodbye to yesterday
Those are words I'll never say

Thursday, October 30, 2008

God, Please Forgive Us .. and provide us strength

In reflection, one of the biggest lesson we learned from the renovation is about to have patience.  To be aware with every rising anxieties and knowing the best way to ward them off.  To guard the burst of unwanted release of negative emotions.  To embrace kindness.  To communicate.  To know our wants and stay firm.

In the process, it is about letting go.  And, wanting to let go.  It is about having a firm belief, and not entertaining even a tinge of worries, that everything will just be fine.  Not only with the thought nor an effort to achieve but a natural inclination and unconstrained behavior.

At the last leg of our renovation, we encountered some distress.  Especially, when our lease in Hertford ran out.  And, the renovation at Reiki Sanctuary was not completed when we moved in.  Time was against us.  We had many failed plans.  We had wanted to house some guests in early October.  We had wanted to have a longer resting period before November.

We are still running around to get things done for the house.  Reiki Sanctuary is still not fully completed.  There are still outstanding works.  Every other day, there are contractors coming into the house.  Though these works are small, they hinder our movement.  We have to stay home to wait for them and when they leave, there are the chores of tidying and cleaning up the mess.  Only then that we are able to leave the house and run our errands.

We are drained energetically.  We are exhausted mentally and physically.  It will be awhile for us to recoup and going back to our normal life.  However, we keep telling ourselves to slow down to organise the things in Reiki Sanctuary.  It is another lesson - that we are not perfect.  And in imperfection, we need to accept the space of time in between our desires and the our limited energy.

The only thing that we can do, constantly, is to pray.  To have the Universe works for us.  To maintain a healthy mind and body.  To have inner peace.  Importantly, for whatever the course this trying period is teaching us, we need to hold on, not only our faith but in plentiful supply of hopes, and to let love be the light to show us the way ahead.  Afterall, we are already home in Reiki Sanctuary.  We are already surrounded with blessings and prayers.


Thank you to all our dearest family members and supportive friends for your assistance.  For all the encouragement and love.  For the endless concern.  Please do accept our apologies for not being able to entertain much lately.  For not being enthusiastic.  For us coming out with excuses of 'no time'.

~~ Love from Reiki Sanctuary

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The New Beginning .. (the first week)

We have moved in.  Yes, at last!

It was a cloudy morning when the mover arrived at Hertford last Monday, 22 October.  We were worried that it would rain but our prayers were answered.  Just after we left Hertford, on the way to Reiki Sanctuary, it started to pour.  We felt blessed.  Somewhat, we felt Hertford was crying.  It was sad to leave.

The weather changed when we arrived at Reiki Sanctuary.  It was fine.  Looking back, we knew the Universe took care of us.  The rain washed away our past and we were greeted with sunshine in Jurong East.  It signified hope.  It adorned our new journey and illuminated for a magnificent life ahead.  For awhile, it let us to forget about the renovation.

The renovation at Reiki Sanctuary was still not finished on the day we moved in.  They were, supposedly, to complete over the last weekend.  For the last few days, we were unable to unpack much as there would always be some workers around.

Today, we are hoping that all these outstanding works can be finally over.  We have been having the workers, from different trades, attending to their works since early this morning.

List of outstanding works [from previous weeks]:

Additional items:

01.  Fixing of Rinnai Cooker Hood
02.  Commissioning Rinnai Cooker Hood  Requires another commissioning
03.  Create new false ceiling for Franke Island Hood
04.  Fixing Toto's Kitchen Sink
05.  Re-positioning Dining Lights
06.  Fixing bracket for Main Door's lock
07.  Fixing Led Night light under Master Toilet's vanity
08.  Fixing power plug in one of Living Room TV Console  Completed on Friday 24th October
09.  Commissioning TV signal
10.  Change all windows roller balls, including balcony sliding doors
11.  Lay black tiles under the washing machine

The rest of outstanding works [Update]:

01.  To vanish the parquet floor

  -  Left with the Main Entrance  Completed on Thursday 23rd October

02.  To install Franke Island Hood

03.  To fix electrical items - Left with Kitchen area  Completed today
04.  To commission electrical outlets - Left with Kitchen area  Completed today
05.  To measure boxing up of lights and to order the Acrylic light shades -  Delivery on Saturday  Still Outstanding
06.  To fix Guest Toilet granite top
07.  To fix Guest Toilet vanity wardrobe  Completed today
08.  To fix Guest Toilet lock
09.  To measure for kitchen solid top
10.  To install kitchen solid top
11.  To final coat timber stain for balcony  Completed Thursday 23rd October
12.  To touch up [paint] - interior and exterior - Left with Living Room, Kitchen and Guest Toilet  Completed today with outstanding touch-up at MBR Toilet
13.  To fill up holes at false ceiling and paint - Left with Kitchen area  Completed today
14.  To fix taps and mixers at kitchen, master and guest toilets  Kitchen mixers completed today
15.  To install lock at main gate
16.  To fix curtain rods and curtains - Scheduled for Tuesday 28th October
17.  To fix glass at Master Toilet
18.  To fix glass at Guest Toilet  Completed today
19.  To fix mirror at Master Toilet
20.  To de-wax and polish floor tiles
21.  To clean windows
22.  To fix kitchen back splash [wet and dry areas]  Completed today
23.  To commission Daikin Air-con
24.  To install doors for kitchen top hung cabinets  Completed 24th October with 1 piece outstanding
25.  To install doors for kitchen tall cabinets  Completed 2th October
26.  To rectify [re-laminate] Master bedroom door
27.  To 'iron' laminate at Main Door  Completed today
28.  To clear all debris
29.  To re-laminate Guest Room door

Saturday, October 18, 2008

As The Curtain Falls

This is my last entry from Hertford.  Soon, my PC will be switched off and time for me to open up the chasis and clean all the internal hardware.  It is the usual ritual - all items from Hertford must go through a 'good bath', sort of a cleansing and detoxification ritual, before they are moved to the new Reiki Sanctuary.

I love you, Hertford.  I just love you.  Nothing will change it.  Nothing will change that.

It has been a wonderful 20 years here living in Hertford.  This is the place where I grow - a place where you allowed me to grow.  This is the place that I walk into my spiritual life - a place where you opened the Heaven's Gate.  This is the place that I learn about love.  About relationship.  About celestial insights.  Hertford provides it all.  Quietly, she opens all kinds of life experiences.  She has been very unconditional.

I have no regrets.  She came to me when I wanted to grow.  When I wanted to gain my independent.  When I wanted to reward myself.  She allowed me to experience life, to take small steps as I moved on.  Over the years, she heightened my awareness.  Going through all emotions and the challenging senses of my mind.  I embraced love.  Hate.  Joy.  Sorrow.  Peace.  Solitude.  They are life greatest values.

I learned about family value too.  The importance to love my late parents - and respecting them without judgement.  To be grateful for who they were.  I learned how to love.  How to appreciate another being.  And, accepting each one of us to be a teacher.  To learn from each other.  To learn to let go my expectations.

As I bid my farewell, in all my sadness, you will stay forever in my heart.  I am praying for you. 

For the next few months, you will house new souls.  I am sure you will provide shelter to these people.  You will continue to give your love to them.  It will be no less because you are just you.  And when the day comes that you will be gone forever, to give way to new development, I pray that it shall be without pain.  That you, by that time, have reached your earthly time.  What shall remain is your earthly delights.  A place where life starts.  A beginning for better things to all the souls that you housed.

Thank you for everything, Hertford!! 

I am sure you have sensed my thoughts and emotions for the last few months.  You stood tall for me.  You provided strength.  You kept me peaceful.  You processed new linings of hopes.  You conceived my magnificent path ahead.  You just wanted to keep me safe.

When the new day starts, as I wake up in the new Reiki Sanctuary, it will just be memories.  It will, definitely, be a good one for me.  I will continue to grow but it will be different this time.  What you have put in my heart shall serve for better purpose.  My deepest gratitude and love to you.

Thank you for loving me, Hertford!


Friday, September 19, 2008

... And The Countdown Begins

Ma!!!!!!!!! It's mess again!!!!

Now that we get a clearer direction and a firm commitment from Uncle Chong, we are making plan to move out of Hertford on 6 October.  We have managed to get an extension of stay here in Hertford up to 8 October.  Though, we need to pay rent for over staying.  Also, we decided to be part of  the Yellow Ribbon Project by engaging the mover.

Since the mover has given us the boxes, it is pack, pack and pack days ahead.  It wasn't easy when we started to pack.  We tend to get sentimental almost at all the items and kept contemplating whether to bring them over to Reiki Sanctuary.  It slowed our packing.  It got us emotional.  It brought back alot of old memories.  It is often a natural human behaviour - when attachment has become a life, the letting go is hard.

It just needs someone to jolt you.  Was taking a break and chatted with the young wise friend and these statements were made:

JH  :  Out with the old.  Old one don't go ... new one don't come
How true!! -  It's Law of Vacuum!

The mess in Hertford now:

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Timeline - In Perspective

Life is beautiful
No matter how bitter we are
How poor we are
How miserable we are
How ugly we are.

Life is beautiful
When we take pleasure in everything
In all our tears
In all our laughters
In all our disagreements
In all our understandings.

Life is beautiful
Because you care
Because you are there
Because you will be there.

Life is beautiful
In all the hopes
In all the faith.

Indeed, Life is beautiful
When we say
"I love you".

Little that we expect we would ever move out of Hertford.  Change is constant.  Change is good.  Just like the morning sunrise, it is how we make our day - each day everyday.  It is the desire to live that makes all the difference in our lives.  It is about making good.  It is about wanting to make it good.  It is about celebration.  It is about wanting to celebrate.  It is about gratitude.  It is about wanting to live life with gratitude.  And appreciation.  It is about experiencing life in all the possibilities, without struggle.  Just letting it flow and overflow.  It is the resistance that makes us lose all the chances the Universe is offering.  With every struggles, we simply are not accepting the beauty of life.

The Universe is always kind.  We just have to believe that and it is not a blind faith.  We just have to keep reminding it with each breath.  For all the things that we don't want, the Universe delays them for us.  For all the things that we doubt, the Universe presents an alternative.  It is how we bring consciousness into our awareness.  And let our realization takes control of our mind.  It is how we interpret the consciousness, the realization and acceptance, that makes the difference.  The Universe never fails in providing us with all the spiritual, physical, mental and emotional successes.  The Universe is always conspiring for the best of our beings.  We just have to be conscious in all its positive intention and energy.

Uncertainties are baby steps.  They have to be taken for they will lead us to bigger things.  We should not doubt.  In doubts, we fail.  We should not refuse.  In refusal, we lose.  We should not run away.  In running, we fall.  When we want to expand and grow, and create affluence in lives, the wealth consciousness in the fields of all possibilities, we must learn to accept all.  We should not, or at least minimise, our analytical mind.  The more questions we ask, the more burdens we are to carry.  It is always the 'what-if' that retards life progress.  It is always the 'maybe' that deprives us from getting the full rewards.

In all her beauty, in all her joyous opportunities, Timeline - In Perspective is about putting all the beautiful collections of photos - taken throughout the journey, in one storyline.  It is about honouring the celebration.  About acceptance that we are just a part of it.

Timeline One - The Beginning (Early 2008) - "The Letting Go"

Hertford Story

Timeline Two - The Search for Reiki Sanctuary - "The New Beginning"

Reiki Sanctuary

Monday, September 08, 2008


>br /> We all go through periods in our life, and of time, when things just don't seem to be going our way.  We get into arguments, disagreements or fights with our friends, our siblings, our partners or even our parents.  Or our grades, and expectations, are less than impressive.  Or perhaps, we don't like the way our life is being influenced or dominated.

Life is about acceptance.  Unfortunately, we often take an easy way out and want to blame others.  When things go wrong and our butt's on the line, we just badly want to push the blame to others.  Because that makes life a tad easier.  Just blame others, and our name and integrity is cleared.

Fact is, everyone makes mistakes either caused by us or by third parties.  The saddest thing, when mistakes are made, we are easily led by our own self-esteem and self-defence to blame others, the people around us.  It is easier to start shooting blame.  We just have to shift the guilt somewhere.  Often times, we feel that we must be the last one to own the blame.  The last one to admit mistakes are made.  It is just easier to wait for something better to come along than to actively work to change the status quo.

In general, the thought that we are responsible for our own mistakes cannot be comprehended.  It makes us feel relieved when the burden is passed.  It is almost always someone else's fault, or their wrongdoings, that has brought us to the current situation.  Our fingers are quick to point at others, forgetting that four other fingers are still pointing at us.  After all, who wants to be blamed for any mistakes, regardless of whether it is our or someone else's mistakes.

Somehow, it is hard, both physically and emotionally, to try and make a change in our lives, even if it is a small one.  It is always too hard, and too much of an attack on our pride, to consider that perhaps we are mostly responsible for our own experiences.  For our own failures.  Worse, when we characterize ourselves as being unfortunate.

When the pressure starts to surface where we have to vacate Hertford by 24th September and Reiki Sanctuary can only be handed to us by 2nd October, we are ready to shoot out the blame missiles.  We list down our targets.  For some strange unreasonable defence mechanism, our minds elude ourselves.  Consciously, this is the easiest.   Painless.  Our self esteem fools us to think we are not scheming.  Our self defence prides us to take the role of a victim.  It is when we refuse to lower our ego that we start to lose self respect. 

We always want others to think highly of us.  We always want sympathies to make us look better.  Such is how we take comfort.  Such is how we yearn for acceptance.  Such is the mind's ploy.  It is pretty normal to attribute what is happening in our lives and the circumstances we find ourselves in and shift it to some other cause.  We simply refuse to understand, and accept, that we are to blame.  Guess, it's a big challenge, and personal let down, to admit that we are wrong or that we have not been doing enough to be in control of our lives.

It is even harder to think, and accept, that others together with their opinions, experiences and reactions have shaped our circumstances.  We simply brush off with lame attitude that we have lost power or say in the matter.  We fail to understand that if we don't like the way things are going, we can actually change it.  Our natural instinct is always to sit around and complain about the current and less-than-appealing situation.

However, If we are to continue to focus and blame someone else for the delay, the problem will not solve.  More often than not, it would only create more problem especially in the relationship with that person, or everyone else, around us.

Reiki Sanctuary has come into our life for a greater life purpose.  The journey is filled with great lesson towards compassion.  The journey is full of opportunities for us to take charge of our attitude.  To reflect.  To have an inward thinking.  To think that when there is love, everything else just follow.  There is no room for blame.  For hate.  For disappointments and anger.  Only when we open our minds that we will see love in action.  It is love that has put everyone and their energy into this project.  That everyone cares.  That everyone has one common goal and that is to give Reiki Sanctuary a life.
Nobody likes to fail and nobody loves mistakes.  If we are not to own these opportunities, and to realize the virtues in life's imperfection, we will not be able to embrace acceptance.  Blaming others for our failures, for our mistakes, will only nurture and sky-rocket our ego.  It actually, unconsciously, fails our life tremendously.  It leads us to a degeneration of emotions.  Of not able to practice forgiveness.  Of not allowing to take sole responsibilities.  Of not allowing our minds to stay positive.  Or a lesson on second chances and to learn from incident.  Importantly, it is the greatest failure to stay humble. 

We may face little inconveniences to extend our stay in Hertford.  We have to start paying rent.  We may have to pay penalties for further delaying the deliveries of the items we bought.  However, in the words of the wise young man, "it is easier to forgive ourselves than to forgive others".  It is also in 'paying out', that abundance awaits.  Isn't this what life is all about.  That we just have to work for what we want.  Isn't prayers, or making an intention, work too?

When we start to take the blame for not doing what, and how, we want things should be, we are forgiving ourselves.  We stop blaming others for our mistakes.  For our failures.  It is about letting go and taking charge of our lives.  It is about the awareness that everyone has their own problems with their lives from time to time too.  It is also about taking charge of your own situation.

We are all human; we make mistakes and we are all misunderstood from one time to another.  Even two trees of the same specie standing next to each other can be different.  We are a thinking human and we must learn to be willing to give and take. 

Different Strokes for Different Folks - If only the trees can talk!  The two trees just outside our balcony is a great reminder of our different existence.  Of our different thinking.  It is about making use of the common ground to survive together.  To accept.  To forgive.  To care and to live in harmony for each other.  We just have to try, and try harder.  Love awaits those that share blame together.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Ma! It's Mess Everywhere!

From Hertford to Reiki Sanctuary, we are filled with mess.  We keep telling ourselves that it's a pretty normal thing since we are moving out.  And, at the opposite end of our life now, Reiki Sanctuary is undergoing major renovation to get ready for us to move in.  Which, the day could be anytime towards the end of this month.  It's a matter of weeks now.  It will be the start of a new life.

The Mess in Hertford:

Look at how messy our hall has become!
Guess, even our friend, Ranjit and her ang-moh husband, Albert will not want to come and visit.

Even our plants are dying!

And more mess in the Study Room

For now, we hope the mess is not an excuse for our laziness, of not leading our normal life, but an excuse for a conscious effort of clarity and focus.  That we create a positive energy of detachment and to think that we are conserving our energy for a proper time, nearer to us moving out, to sort things out. 

We are, definitely, not accustomed in the beginning.  Mess is sprouting anywhere and everywhere and at all time.  Perhaps, it is reflecting our initial thoughts of confusion.  Of the anxiety of new possibilities.  Of uncertainty for the infinite correlation.  Of a new orchestra of space-time events to bring about the outcome that is intended for us.

We let our mind to detach from the daily consciousness of orderliness.  And attachment.  This is to release us from becoming a prisoner of helplessness.  Of hopelessness.  Of mundane needs and trivial concerns.  Of quiet desperation and seriousness. 

In relinquishing our attachment to the daily chores, to the tidy Hertford that it used to be, we are stepping into the consciousness of an unknown territory of mess.  We open our mind into the field of all possibilities.  We are inviting the magic of life, the celebration of opposites, the exhilaraton of spirits and the exultation for the law of vacuum to come.

The mess has been an endless sight right from the very beginning when we decided to uproot.  It takes a certain amount of realization, and faith, that we are going to release many things and replace with something of equal or greater value. 

It is the letting go that is a little hard.  Perhaps, this is the unknown energy that results in us to let Hertford in a such a messy place.  It is our attachment to all the things in here.  For they have served us well.  With their love.  With their abundance.  With their joy.  We have greatly relied our entire life to everything within.

While Hertford is all about letting go, and detachment, Reiki Sanctuary overcomes the mess in a more dynamic development.  Renovation works, that filled with lots of dust and chaotic renovation materials, are properly planned.  Thanks to Chiauw who insisted to all the contractors that they tidy the place at the end of each working day.  Everyday, the contractors will pile their things in one place and to sweep away the mess they created.  It is the way we want it too.

Simply, it is about awareness for creating space.  The universe cannot put good into our hand, only until we let go of what we are holding in it.  The nature of the universe, being filled with infinite abundance, shudders a vacuum.  It always will fill it with something. 

Just like when we walk down the beach, we leave footprints in the sand.  But give the wind and the waves a few minutes, and those tracks will be filled in again.  Just as vegetation will cover a field and an agenda expands to the time budgetted for a meeting.

When Chiauw got all the contractors to co-operate, there is a tide of positive energy filling into the vacuum and the consciousness to attract the space for peace of mind instilled.  What we like about her style is, she allocates and demarcates each trade into one room for the workers to place their things at the end of the day.  Like the left-over unfinished paints in the guest room, the unfinished works of the ceiling guys in the living room and the unfinished works flooring contractors in the dining area.  It is in an organized mindset, and planned intention, that the law of vacuum resonates to the fullest.

The Mess in Reiki Sanctuary:

Paints left by the painters in the Guest Room

False Ceiling boards left by the ceiling guys in the Living Room

Parquet and Chengal woods left by the flooring contractors

It is such a practice that will give way to better outcomes.  Better rewards.  We are, through her systematic acts, surrounded by good things everywhere.  It is, definitely, a self fulfilling breakthrough for us to achieve our dreams.  And dreams are a reality to those who believe in them.  We do! 

The Law of Vacuum loves space and, forever, waiting to fill it up.  If we want greater good, greater prosperity in our life, we have to start forming a vacuum to receive it.  We have to get rid of what we do not want and to make room for what we want.  This philosophy applies to all of our personal style, our personal growth and for our self development.

To make room for all things good, we must learn to give up and to let go.  As we give up and cast away old ideas and attitudes, old possessions, and put in their place new ideas, our conditions will steadily improve.

Do not hinder our advance or stop it by holding onto the old.  We just have to embrace the new.

As we advance confidently in the direction of our dreams, and endeavour to live the life we have imagined, success will come to us unexpectedly in common hours.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Works of Fire

Early August 15th, 2008.  Time was about 4 a.m.

We were awaken by thud sounds of electrical explosion outside the house.  Initially, we thought it was some kind of 'TV crime scene with police shooting robbers'.  We dismissed it.  We wanted to continue the good night sleep.  And the thud sounds continued.  It was getting louder.  Dogs started to bark.  We heard more noise.  This time, we had to dragged ourselves out of the bed.

Our friend, and also a neighbour, was knocking at our door.  She was shivering, and obviously scared, of the event that had just taken place.  We are, naturally, often afraid of fire.  An element that we often associate as a threat.  Just diaganolly across our place, a house was on fire.  By the time we were out of our house, the fire had engulfed the burning house.  No one was hurt but definitely it brought grief to the house owner.

Fires are themselves an expand of vibration of our collective consciousness to change the way in which humanity functions and relates to each other.  Whenever we witness a fury fire, in a similarly way, we view the world in its current state noticing the calamities, the war, the poverty, the disease, the grief.  There is always the tendency to lose hope to humanity, both individually and as a species.

Like a prophecy, the fire ceased and a new world will be born.  For all these years in Hertford, the fire was of completion and of new beginnings.  As we are preparing to move out, the fire was the sphere of our reality.  All that we see around us is of the same beginnings, the same energy and the same creation.  It was a message - it is up to us, the people of earth, to change our consciousness and live in harmony with each other and our environment.

This message is very important.  The significant of the fire is about the time we need to decide what reality we leave behind.  That if we continue to destroy vibrational energies and thought forms that we create further imbalance to our souls.

It is through the realization of fire that our wisdom contained within can be activated.  It is when this happens that we change our reality and step into a new world.  As we are awakened and recognized the damage, we are being given the consciousness in changing the way we live. 

It is up to us to choose whether we continue along the path of destruction, fear, anger and greed or change our choice to follow the path of universal peace and harmony.  We must raise our consciousness and the way in which we perceive the world.  How we perceive the people around us.  How we perceive the people that affected us.  How we perceive the people that shape our identity.  How we perceive our lives should be.  How we make choices.  How we want to live.

With fire, a column of light is created.  And this light is an opportunity for a change of our past choices and beliefs.  As more lights are activated through fire that the golden light of peace shines through.  It is a universal attempt to raise our consciousness and assist us to live in a more harmonious, joy filled and loving way.  It is about how we must incorporate these qualities into our lives we walk and live in into a good way, honouring each other for the beauty that we are and living in balance with lives and earth.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Restlessness - again ..

When I am supposed to be happy that renovation and hacking have started, that our general contractor is doing a pretty good job and Chiauw is getting very much excited, my energy has just sapped.  On my worst day, I couldn't even stand for 5 minutes at a time.  I literally could barely do what I need to do.  There's fogbank coming into my head.

I have moment of strange feeling of exhaustion infiltrated like a dark spirit.  I remember this exact feeling back to those days when I was searching for meaning of life some 15 years ago.  Everything around me halted.  There were plenty of questions and the unseemingly internal restless emotional turmoils.  And when I wanted it to stop, I simply created a sanctuary within myself.  I stopped my social life.  I shunned my friends.  Loneliness was the only friend that I endeared.

When I got a new place, 'sanctuary' came to mind to describe the new home.  It will be a safety haven, a sacred place and a right of asylum to my soul.  I didn't think much that the energy will manifest all over again. 

Something is definitely happening yet I am lost with baseless rationale.  In emptiness, I am filled with acute restlessness.  Joy and sorrow, peace and trouble, love and indifference - they are thinly separating my senses.  There are works to be done.  There are people waiting for my attention.  There are problems that need to resolve.  Yet, I choose to procrastinate.

Hertford is crying and, probably, she is praying for a new life for me.   She is aware that she will be gone .. and forever.  That before I am totally uprooted to the next sanctuary, she has to replay my past emotions.  Yet, I am soaking in this restlessness helplessly.  I am reaching out to the rainbow and, still, I find it is a long call to reach the light at the end of this tunnel.

Perhaps, I am desperate this time round.  With her departure, Hertford is probably asking me to focus on new goals and to envision what is truly important in my life ahead.  Guess, I am just selfish.  Or am I lost and confused?

I have started my journey and made to rethink and making choices.  At this end of this turn, I am praying harder that my life choices are wiser.  That the restlessness will not be ocean deep.

For now, guess, I am just afraid.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

And the Countdown Begins ..

In an unusual way, our completion date transpired via a telephone call rather through an official HDB letter. 

I have been religiously checking on 'My HDB Page' - an online HDB e-Services, for the last few days and there is no indication that the resale complete date has been scheduled.  The last check at 5 p.m. still showed the same old status where the resale application has been approved.

What's a synchronicity! 
Yesterday, I was checking with another friend who applied for resale flat and he had been scheduled for the second appointment mid next week.  His 1st appointment with HDB was two weeks after ours.  He received an official letter from HDB about three days ago.  That is, supposedly, the standard practice - buyers/sellers will be notified at least a week in advance.

At about 5.45 p.m., I received a call from Mr Wong - the seller's agent, informing me that HDB has scheduled the resale completion on Monday, 9 June. 

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!  A check at our mailbox showed no letter.  Ah, and within an hour from my last online check, the status has changed.

I am filled with joy - happy that the wait is finally going to be over and we shall be closer to our Reiki Sanctuary.  On Monday, at 4 p.m., we will be officially signing the last of the resale documents, making the full payment and shall be handed the house keys.

Ah, and as the excitement settled, it brings sadness too.  Suddenly, everything about Hertford becomes large - the air, the space, the wall, the ceiling, the smell, the noise, the light - each of her energy reaching out for attention.  The missing-you feeling intensified and I just have to cry for her, again.

And the Countdown Begins ..

In an unusual way, our completion date transpired via a telephone call rather through an official HDB letter.  I have been religiously checking on 'My HDB Page' - an online HDB e-Services, for the last few days and there is no indication that the resale complete date has been scheduled.  The last check at 5 p.m. still showed the same old status where the resale application has been approved.

What's a synchronicity!  Yesterday, I was checking with another friend who applied for resale flat and he had been scheduled for the second appointment mid next week.  His 1st appointment with HDB was two weeks after ours.  He received an official letter from HDB about three days ago.  That is, supposedly, the standard practice - buyers/sellers will be notified at least a week in advance.
At about 5.45 p.m., I received a call from Mr Wong - the seller's agent, informing me that HDB has scheduled the resale completion on Monday, 9 June.  Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!  A check at our mailbox showed no letter.  Ah, and within an hour from my last online check, the status has changed.

I am filled with joy - happy that the wait is finally going to be over and we shall be closer to our Reiki Sanctuary.  On Monday, at 4 p.m., we will be officially signing the last of the resale documents, making the full payment and shall be handed the house keys.

Ah, and as the excitement settled, it brings sadness too.  Suddenly, everything about Hertford becomes large - the air, the space, the wall, the ceiling, the smell, the noise, the light - each of her energy reaching out for attention.  The missing-you feeling intensified and I just have to cry for her, again.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Coming Home

I'm coming home.

My late parents lived in Jurong East [JE].  They were the early JE generation 25 years ago when HBD developed that area. 

I remembered complaining that it was far.  Far to town, far to my workplace.  Far for my youthful rendezvous. There was no MRT then.  It was considered an ulu place to live in.  There was no direct bus to town - we needed to take the feeder bus to Clementi Bus Interchange, about 20 minutes away.

I moved out of JE at the age of 27 to settle in Hertford - considered the central part of Singapore.  It was also the beginning of freedom.  However, with it, it came with heavy financial responsibilities.  Nevertheless, it was the beginning of many new opportunities.  And many life lessons too.

The space, the freedom and the independence lead me to experience many things in life.  It enriches the way I see things.  It raises me.  I learn about parental love, about family value, about loneliness, about joy, about friendship, about relationship .. above all, I learn the value of gratitude. 

Circle in the sand, life goes round and round - guess, that's the mystic of life.  Where we come, we end it there too.  From the mountain where I have left many years ago, to the mountain where I am today, and I am coming home.  I am back to Jurong East where my life has started.

Few days ago, I was having a conversation with a friend.  Teasing to this friend, "where have you been all these while?", the reply was a voice of wisdom, "hiding in the mountain waiting for your return'. 

Conversation with God? - perhaps so.

When I first view the new Reiki Sanctuary, I feel peaceful.  It has a calming tender energy.  Instantly, I feel it is home.  I know that I will spend a lot of time in the house.  It will be the mountain back to where I seek my refuge.  It will be a heavenly place of solace.  It will be a place to reflect.  It will be an epitome to peace to connect with the best, the magnificient, the abundance.

From The Mountain
The Stylistics

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

One In n One Out

With every good news, there's always a bad one accompanying it.  Guess, it is the Law of Polarity - we just need to focus which one favours and enriches our life.  While it is good to rationalize the bad and to let it go, to focus on the good will certainly keep our spirits high.

Today, we decided to go down to SP Services Ltd, at Somerset Road, to check the availability of city gas for our new flat.  We didn't know that we need to do that.  Thanks to an encouragement of a friend who insisted that we should enquire, we found out that there is no piped city gas available at our block. Ah, that is such a disappointing news.

Looking back, we have taken (living in) Hertford for granted.  Little that we knew there are some places in Singapore that's yet to be piped and city gas ready.

We are not used to gas carnister and it will be a new lesson and lifestyle for us.  We informed Chiauw and she needs to redesign the kitchen cabinet to house the gas tank.

The good news .. yay! we save a lot of money today.  Chiauw found an Italian-made island hob below $1,000 and purchased it on our behalf today.  Those island hobs that we have seen, for a powerful exhaust capacity of 1,000 m3/h, cost about $2,000 and more.  I am waiting for her to email me the specifications.

Another piece of good news today:

Mr Wong, the house agent, calls to inform me that he had gone down to HDB Branch Office to report on the yellow marks on the ceiling of the guest toilet.  We reported to him, our seller and HDB Officer during our 1st Appointment with HDB.  Chiauw noticed the marks during our previous inspection and she feels that these marks are sign of an early water sippage.  Mr Wong mentioned that the HDB technical officer will go down to check on it.

Should there be a problem, I believe our seller needs to attend to it as we have not officially gotten the keys yet. 

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dedication: Hertford - You Will Always Be Remembered

Both of us realised that we are going through anxiety stress over the
last few weeks.  It is only natural.  Uprooting is never an easy thing
to undergo, especially when we have spent 20 years in one place.
For the last few days, I started feeling sad - not because I am troubled.  I always believe that every house has a soul and when the occupant/owner has invested a lot of energy into it, it is only natural that this soul feels 'abandoned'.  The soul knows that we will move out.
I am sensitive to the energy around me.  Naturally, the 'sad-abandoned' Hertford energy gets into me.  It is not an anger energy but a very subtle universal energy that is wishing me, on this separation, the joy to move on.  While this energy is soft and subtle, the psychological thought of moving out is harder.
Hertford is my hide-out.  My sanctuary.  I am always very comfortable staying in the house without going out, sometimes even up to a week.  Change is constant and year 2008 marks a year that we are shifting gear and changing new phase in our lives.  It is, with the GAIA vibrations, an inevitable energy shift for the two of us.
Pictures of Hertford:
The Main Building

Hertford - Car Park Area

The Unit Layout

Inside The House

I will never look back regretting to live in Hertford.  It was a place where my spirituality took to a higher ground.  It filled endlessly with love and compassion.  It was a place, a house, that developed our character, our vision, our committment.  And there's nothing that we can trade that with something else.

Today, I shall give my gratitude to Hertford.  You have sheltered me.  You have sustained me.  You have made me to grow.  In you, I learned to trust life.  Thank You!

Monday, March 24, 2008

And the headache begins

We decided that we should be looking for an interior designer.  We didn't engage one when we bought Hertford.  Hertford was moved in condition and we didn't have budget to do the house.  Infact, we did nothing but just furnished the house with the basic necessities.  We didn't even repaint the house till few years later.

This time round, we wanted to change few things and to get a professional to guide us in making it a dream home.  Afterall, we feel that this is going to be place where, and I often quote to my family members, a place where I will die in.

We met with Chiauw today.  She is an architect by profession and also a designer.  As we are comfortable with her presentation, we shall not be sourcing for other IDs.

Chiauw suggests that we will meet once every week to discuss the whole renovation plan .  I like the enthusiasm and her commitment.

We are getting very excited!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Big Day

Our search for a new house ended today.  It will be a new beginning, a new settlement.  It ends months of unsettled decisions.

The opportunity that was bestowed upon us made us to review our future strategy.  20 years ago, we bought our first property and it had served us well.  We didn't expect to move out.  We always felt that we could live here a little longer - at least for the next few years till one of us reach 55.  Then, it would  be the time where we ought to plan for our retirement.

We built our nest in Hertford.  It would always be a place that we shall remember very dearly and a place that we MUST, as we moved ahead, looked back with gratitude.  We grew up there - we were hardly 30 then.  There were many stories, many events, many twists and turns, many laughters and sorrows too, many guests, many parties .. - above all, we managed to keep each other company for bad and for good.  It was a place where human foundation was built on.

Hertford, we will always love you.

You were a blessed sanctuary for us.  With your shelter, together we grew - where each day filled with life lessons.  You were the abundance behind our peace and joy.

    About Me

    I am a certified Master in Traditional USUI REIKI and KARUNA REIKI. I am also a certified practitioner in MAGNIFIED HEALING and INNER DANCE.

    I have been teaching and conducting spirituality, healing and energy works (including Breathing Techniques, Meditation and Spinal Qiqong) for more than two decades.

    These are the classes I conduct:
    (for Individual and/or Groups)

    a) Life / Motivational Coach
    b) Usui Reiki (all the 4 levels)
    c) Awareness Before Change
    d) Born Rich
    e) Tibetan Geomancy ** (reading and consultation)

    ** Please have your house plan


    In Reiki Sanctuary, we feel blessed. We feel the abundance and greatly appreciate for all that have been showered. We can only keep counting ..

    [Continue Reading ...]


    All emails are private and confidential

    Need Healing?

    I offer Reiki Distant Healing (See REIKI HOSPITAL OF LIFE for more information) for those who seek healing, higher & spiritual guidance.

    Do contact me should you want me to add you to this healing space. You might want to share your issues via email.

    I do not charge for doing this service; there is no fee involved. My intention is pure as I truly believe it is always good that we can attain to be with our Highest Self.

    We deserve to be healthy, peaceful and joyful.