This is one song that always makes me to live life with a vision. One that I will constantly play towards the end of a year. One that will provoke my emotion, sometimes with sadness, to look forward.
Today, as I look back, I am thankful that I am alive. I am thankful that I have been given good health and been keeping safe. I am thankful that I have been visited with love. I am thankful that I have good meals all throughout the year. I am thankful for all the life lessons learned, and shared, amongst families and friends. I am thankful that I have been able to reach out to people, and with lots of prayers, their lives enriched.
Each one of you - yes! there are just too many, has made 2008 a blessed year for me. "Thank You, All!".
And my wishes that all of us shall have a blessed 2009. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! *Hugs*