Wednesday, June 24, 2009

When You Know, You Will Just Know

Let's make life simpler.  Afterall, simplicity is said to be a virtue.  Our acts must not evolved into complex subject matter nor the substance of our words tangled with powers of explanation.  What we feel over certain things and when these feelings postulate with our soul's vibrations, free from hypocrisy, act on them.  Honour the responsibility and move on.

Simplicity rewards itself a real and exactly what life presents to be.  There is always an accompanying peace when we dismiss the amount and complexity of things postulated.  We embrace the true nature of our soul.  We are soaked in tranquility within.  Within the nature of a tranquil peace, we find love.  Not the temporary love of passing phases but a deep sense of self respect and compassion.

Action begins with each one of us.  But do let our actions, and the intention behind them, go forth as a vendor for our soul.  Only to achieve its emancipation.  It is when we start to measure simplicity or how it can be justified or how it should be traded off, the more we are complicating synchronicity for future events.

I often answered to people 'Then just don't come' when they say Reiki Sanctuary is too far.  I have seen people lost in turmoil emotions when they do not honour their intentions.  When simpler things are manipulated.  When the truths are sandbagged to deceive or given a wrong impression.  When we want to block someone in MSN, just delete that contact.  When we do not want to be seen, don't 'Appear offline'.  When we just cannot get along with someone, or not interested in someone, don't honey coated our tongues and complicate matters.  We need to take charge of what we want and not to accessorize with excuses.  We just need to live an honest lives and avoid self inflicted perdition.

Fact is, we should purify our souls with our actions.  To free from sins, guilt or other defilement.  The more we appreciate who we are, the easier it is to see others for who they are.  We will then realize, and honour, that each one of us worthy of being alive.  Each one of us a unique being.

Simplicity leads to the higher kingdom of self empowerment.  Revealing itself many hidden power for a higher realm of knowing and communication beyond our physical body.  Everything in life, within our Universe, is connected.  One of the most important things that we need to understand is that every living thing has consciousness.  We are connected to the hidden energy of universal consciousness that permeates the entire universe and wires all of us together.

Understanding and accepting this concept - and making life simpler, is the most important requirement to achieve phenomenal peace of the mind-body-spirit connection.

    About Me

    I am a certified Master in Traditional USUI REIKI and KARUNA REIKI. I am also a certified practitioner in MAGNIFIED HEALING and INNER DANCE.

    I have been teaching and conducting spirituality, healing and energy works (including Breathing Techniques, Meditation and Spinal Qiqong) for more than two decades.

    These are the classes I conduct:
    (for Individual and/or Groups)

    a) Life / Motivational Coach
    b) Usui Reiki (all the 4 levels)
    c) Awareness Before Change
    d) Born Rich
    e) Tibetan Geomancy ** (reading and consultation)

    ** Please have your house plan


    In Reiki Sanctuary, we feel blessed. We feel the abundance and greatly appreciate for all that have been showered. We can only keep counting ..

    [Continue Reading ...]


    All emails are private and confidential

    Need Healing?

    I offer Reiki Distant Healing (See REIKI HOSPITAL OF LIFE for more information) for those who seek healing, higher & spiritual guidance.

    Do contact me should you want me to add you to this healing space. You might want to share your issues via email.

    I do not charge for doing this service; there is no fee involved. My intention is pure as I truly believe it is always good that we can attain to be with our Highest Self.

    We deserve to be healthy, peaceful and joyful.