There were so much happenings in the month of June, 2013 here in and around Reiki Sanctuary. For all the events that took place, I was sure they happened for good reasons. They filled valuable lessons that needed to be learned - the positive ones for our growth and appreciation while the negative ones were for our reflection and acceptance. Everything that happened, after all, were about providence of good changes.
First, there were various HDB activities. All these activities came with noise and dust. After the lift upgrading which was carried out in 2011 - Read: The Re-Making of Reiki Sanctuary and Read: What a Wonderful, Wonderful ..., HDB did more things to repair and restore, hence beautifying, the blocks of flat. HDB repaired the rubbish chute and had it cleaned up and gave a new waterproof wall.
First, there were various HDB activities. All these activities came with noise and dust. After the lift upgrading which was carried out in 2011 - Read: The Re-Making of Reiki Sanctuary and Read: What a Wonderful, Wonderful ..., HDB did more things to repair and restore, hence beautifying, the blocks of flat. HDB repaired the rubbish chute and had it cleaned up and gave a new waterproof wall.