It is one of my favourite music therapy. It's about going deep inside you and understand the language of your heart. Often, when thoughts are being processed in the subconscious, they usually send different signals to the heart.
People who are not in focus tend to misinterpret the language. The result - lost, confusion, sorrow, despair, fear and to some, anger.
This situation happens when the mind and the heart are not aligned and, in particular, to those people who cannot take grip on life issues.
Best done for hypnotherapy session.
Close your eyes and listen to the melody. Just listen. Do not judge. You just have to empty your mind. When there is a thought, push it away gently. Allow the thought to pass. Honour it and say that you will attend to it later. When you allow yourself drown deeper with the music, you will find your answers.
Somewhere within us all there is a secret garden. A garden in which we can seek refuge when times are rough, or retire to in joy or contemplation.