Thursday, December 30, 2010

Be Prepared for More Happiness Than Ever in 2011

It has been a wonderful 2010.  It has been a good year.

For all its worth, I shall whiz past it with feelings that I have gained.  I need to discover, for myself, how truly fortunate I really am.  For all that were lost, it was a gain in return.  We gain many invaluable things in life, every day, only when we are (to be) thankful for all the events that have come and played into our life.

It is the experience that will make us wiser.  It is said 'Wisdom is knowing what to do with what we know'.

We hardly notice the things that really mean a lot until they are gone. I shall not ponder into the past with regrets but to set my mindset that happiness awaits in front.  Most of the time, even to live is an act of courage.  We make a fortune with love for our loved ones.  The only limitations we have are those we set for ourselves.

If we would create something, we must be something then.  This is something that I truly believe in all of us.  While it is difficult to prophesize, especially when it pertains to the future, the one who listens is the one who understands.

Charity should begin at home but should not stay there.  So is love.  So is hope.  So is faith.  We should give each a chance to move on.  To grow.  To rise.  Not all those who wonder are lost.  The day denies the promises of the night.  If we are to stick that every solution breeds new problems, which is often true, the house we shall build will be crooked as it is build to every man's advice.

Let's psyche our mind to be prepared for more happiness than ever for the year 2011.  Let me share this wonderful greeting from a great spiritual friend in her New Year's greeting to me:

"Some of us, in the year 2010, caught the happiness train, some the prosperity train and some the good fortune train.  But for this 2011, there will be more trains to catch.  And while we are busy trying to catch up with the rest of the world, do not forget to remember the beauty and the joy of the person we have become while we were busy looking into the future and/or running away from the past.

Let 2011 be the year where we live in the presence of ourselves and enjoy it thoroughly."

To all my loved ones, my family, my dearest friends and to all that have stayed to read Reiki Sanctuary, wishing all a good and blessed New Year, 2011.

Wish Upon A Star

Love and Joy and Happiness 
and the satisfaction of being yourself be with you always, 
in every moment of 2011.

With Love,

Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays

Soon, and very soon, people all around the world would be celebrating Christmas.  Christmas is a celebration as the day of the birth of Jesus Christ into this world.  It symbolizes a very deeply significant truth of the spiritual life.

Reiki Sanctuary's Christmas Tree

Here, in Reiki Sanctuary, I am wishing all my family, my friends and my readers Happy Holidays.  Hoping for a season of peace and joy.

Merry Christmas! to all my Christian friends and readers.

Hopefully, it is a day where we will spend it joyously with all your loved ones.  And, shall this day bring special happiness into our souls.

At the same time, may I take this opportunity to wish all of you a Happy 2011.  May the new year be filled with joy, peace and abundance.

Monday, December 20, 2010


The Prelude To Forgiveness
(Part One)

This writing is dedicated to my late uncle who passed on on the day I departed for my holidays on 10 December, 2010. To a man whom I didn't get to pay my last respect. May your soul rest in peace.

One observation of the Malay custom, or perhaps it is an Islamic festival, during their Hari Raya celebration that I am full of awe and respect is when the people take the festive as a great occasion to ask for forgiveness.  These people would visit each other or greet one another, throughout the festive month of Hari Raya, with intention to  seek for forgiveness for sins which they may have committed.  It is a time for atonement as a result of cleansing and soul purification of the fasting.

Hari Raya is a very important occasion that is celebrated all over the world as the festival that marks the end of one month of fasting.  It is a day of celebration and, as many non-Malays would have thought, it is not the Muslim New Year.  Hari Raya is their day of celebration marking the end of a month of spiritual sacrifications.

Observing the act itself is heartwarming.  Usually, the younger members will approach the elders holding both their hands in unison and each expressing for forgiveness, reconciliation and for a renewed relationships.  It is an act done regardless of age and position.

Indeed, the act to ask for forgiveness is something we should adopt into our lifestyle. We don't have to wait for a festival nor shall we restrict its act to a particular time, place or situation. Nor should we restrict to certain circumstances.

Personally, I find it a great virtue to live our lives to forgive for all our physical and emotional wrong-doings. I like it when Neale Donald Walsh in his book "Conversation With God" wrote "At the critical juncture in all human relationships, there is only one question: What would love do now?"

It is the exact feeling one gets after the practice of forgiveness. It sets us free and enables us to release shame, guilt, pride and the illusion that we are perfect beings and without sins. It brings forth, and reaffirms, our worth and strengthens the need to love each other. It exudes renewed opportunity for love to make things right.

Forgiveness is to release the need to be right and to focus, not on our anger and disappointment, but on what is possible for ourselves and others if we are to make amends. When we look at every events and situations through the eyes of love, we become more compassionate. This, in turn, has us feeling less badly and more empowered. The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.

When we forgive, no matter how difficult, we experience freedom from our pain and sorrow. We become the people, the souls, who are more loved-based rather than fear-based and creating a better world to live with each other.

The practice of forgiveness is an invaluable stepping stone to peace. It is one means to healing our self and healing our relationship with others. When we ask for forgiveness, and being forgiven, we may feel more optimistic or lighter, feeling as if we have more energy. Forgiveness expresses kindness. Otherwise, without forgiveness, tremendous amounts of resentment or hurt can build-up within us.

End of the year always makes me feel somewhat sad. It happens almost every year ever since I was a child. In a way, I do enjoy the festive mood of Christmas and New Year. But, most of all, I guess I regret the fact that another year is coming to an end and that I didn't get to do more.

True that a new year should be filled with new look and new vigor. New resolution and the spirit to be a better person. We need to look forward and to let go. We need to kick bad habits and start life anew. However, in moving forward with many unfinished business does not bring any mental and emotional peace.

Perhaps it will do me good that I should reflect on the last few days of the year to seek forgiveness and to be embraced with reconciliation and renewal. I strongly feel that a clean conscience sets a bigger path for a live well lived. For the Universe to reward us, we need to align our energy with our breath - the source of life. Only when our conscience is clean and clear that the right vibrations and attractions will lay further foundations.

A friend, in his Christmas and New Year's email, was rather profound with his notes. Hopefully, it will make us to think and to reflect. Personally, it certainly does make me to think deeper. It makes me to think that life is more than who we are. Life is more than the food we eat, more than the pretty cute face, more than savings we put in the bank.

He wrote:

"For Goodness' sake, during the remaining days of 2010, please do whatever you have been procrastinating all year long to do: touch base with a "long-lost" dear friend, meeting up, buying that clothing or bag that you have been eying on, going for a little get-away, hike Bt Timah or climb MacRitche tree-top ... aiya, you know what I mean lah! Just do something which your heart/souls has been wanting to do!!! That's the least you could shorten that list of unfinished businesses and then move on to other interesting stuff in your life!"

It is all about not to neglect the little things.  Never to skimp on that extra effort, that additional few minutes, that soft word of praises or thanks, that delivery of the very best that we can do.

I hope to live today, and every day, as though it is my last day.  One day at a time, and this is enough.  But, it is also important that I live my day knowing that I am forgiven for all my words and actions.  And, importantly, that I forgive the memories of people who have hurt me in some ways.

I hope, for the next few entries here in my blog, to seek for forgiveness from certain people.  It is about counting my blessings and coming to my true identity of light.  It does not matter what others think but it is of prime importance what I think about myself.

I am letting go ...

The one thing that I learned that people will forget what we said, people will forget what we did but people will never forget how we made them feel.

    About Me

    I am a certified Master in Traditional USUI REIKI and KARUNA REIKI. I am also a certified practitioner in MAGNIFIED HEALING and INNER DANCE.

    I have been teaching and conducting spirituality, healing and energy works (including Breathing Techniques, Meditation and Spinal Qiqong) for more than two decades.

    These are the classes I conduct:
    (for Individual and/or Groups)

    a) Life / Motivational Coach
    b) Usui Reiki (all the 4 levels)
    c) Awareness Before Change
    d) Born Rich
    e) Tibetan Geomancy ** (reading and consultation)

    ** Please have your house plan


    In Reiki Sanctuary, we feel blessed. We feel the abundance and greatly appreciate for all that have been showered. We can only keep counting ..

    [Continue Reading ...]


    All emails are private and confidential

    Need Healing?

    I offer Reiki Distant Healing (See REIKI HOSPITAL OF LIFE for more information) for those who seek healing, higher & spiritual guidance.

    Do contact me should you want me to add you to this healing space. You might want to share your issues via email.

    I do not charge for doing this service; there is no fee involved. My intention is pure as I truly believe it is always good that we can attain to be with our Highest Self.

    We deserve to be healthy, peaceful and joyful.