Geez, I just have to blog this.
It is not the usual me to publish another writing after I have had just made one a day before. I would always like to let my written thought to settle inside me for a little longer.
For it to be internalized and for it to assimilate into a grandeur sense to my soul. For it to be a learning process from a new psychological perspective. Afterall, the effectiveness of learning is guided through primary factors of comprehension, retention and recollection.
It is not the usual me to share with the world of my inner emotion. Especially, when I am too overwhelmed with sorrow. And, particularly when I have no reasons to be in it.
It is just not the usual me to bare my soul naked, yet feeling apprehensive. There is always a time for everything, as I would often think. Perhaps, I just have to redress that idea. Perhaps, it is an ego thing that I have yet to admit.
It is not the usual me to reach out to the Universe when I am down in the ramp. When emotions are just too much to handle; when my mind is being overpowered and cluelessly intensifying the experience. I have made to think that I am still a human and still in the process of learning.
Admittedly, the complexity of emotions, feelings and thoughts is not an easy lesson that we can just learn and understand it immediately. It is not something to happen and bring about instant increased consciousness.
I am sure there is a bigger meaning to my experience today. It is calling me to observe beyond my spirit. Beyond my emotions, my feelings, my thoughts. Because, underneath all of that that I am feeling, lies the quiet yet powerful and eternal energy of a learning process of it all. I have been put onto a plane that goes far beyond my spirit. I guess, in this realm, I am connecting with the Universal Energy that permeates all space and time for me to understand the moment, the now-ness of today.
Awww, I am such a crying baby! Gosh, there is just too much going around my head.
Yes, I have been crying for good 15 minutes. All my emotions and logics are twisted. Little that I realize the importance of VOX and how much it means to me till I open up the site, earlier. VOX is, and with years of taking it for granted, a personal thing that is actually close to me.
The VOX Banner
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"The Tombstone" |
Simple but yet it hits me badly. I feel that it has a soul that can feel. That, it is feeling sad too. That, it feels inevitable to end. That, it feels the emotions of all VOX's bloggers.
Tears just rolled when I read the line "Thank you for your love". It hurts me. It is like listening to the honest truth about your existence.
I want to make it personal. It is a way to give VOX that respect that it deserves. I am crying not because I have lost a personal thing. I am crying not because, I feel, I have become the victim of circumstances. My tears are about to live ahead with good memories of what, and of who, I have chosen to put my energy and soul into. It is for a significant life that, hopefully, will drive me towards greater love.
It was just a casual visit as I just wanted to see if I would get some kind of an error message. Curiosity is a form of an emotional reaction; we do get this feeling that we need to check on something that is personal because we actually care. I am sure that my thought is not more of an attention but a personal emotion. Definitely, there is more to VOX than I would want to think. Than I would want to admit.
I thought, after a simple write-up to express my gratitude to it yesterday, I will be able to move on. Afterall, I have started web-logging in Blogger. I have made Blogger a new home. I have started to like it. I have started to ingrain myself that everything here is to happen for good reasons.
I have forgotten the very essence in the language of the Universe. That everything, and not just us humans, is one big quantum energy. We are connected to everyone and everything else in the Universe cohesively. Through close interconnection, we become the voice for each other. We are to learn together. We are the encoders and the carriers of information to bring about higher consciousness.
The language of the Universe of the banner in VOX today and my emotions are about two waves in phase overlapping each other. The sign is there and I just have to accept on this huge amount of energy and information. It is about me to take stock to what I wrote yesterday and how far am I willing to take it to the next platform in my life.
It is also about my conviction. I have shared, and always encouraging, to all my family members and friends to start web-logging. This is one of the simplest way towards reaching out to abundance; about getting the Universe seriously to hear us through all our imprints of wants and desires in writing. It is about bringing closer the time and space. It is about opening the door for constructive interference through our thought and emotional vibrations.
With VOX closing, I believe that many of us have been made to think and re-evaluate our priority. We are made to ponder over our mind whether our continuation to web-log is putting us on the right track to the road of our life ahead. Are we going to move ahead toward a climatic 'heavenly' conclusion for a thing we used to believe?
Today, my emotion is leading me to another level for spiritual maturity. It is, probably, a personal activism of an inner call of recognition for my life to actively reflect and demonstrate the truth of who I am. The truth of my sacred individuality. Perhaps, it is the language of the Universe made clear from the message of my dear friend who tried to instill the Universal language inside me weeks back.
I am thankful for the cry today. These are the tears of a healing release and closeness of my body, my mind and my spirit. It is about the journey of spiritual companionship at the end of life that begins now.