Thursday, October 20, 2011

May Peace Be Upon You

Everyone gets there. Some of us just take the long way home.

Happy Anniversary, dearest Reiki Sanctuary!

The Orderlies of Abundance

Today, 20th October, marks your third year.  How time flies, indeed.  How time flies when we are just happy to be with you.  To be in, and with, your comfort.  To be in, and with your, love.  How you shelter us unconditionally.  In health and in sickness.  Granting us patience, tolerance and understanding.  How you fill our soul with lessons, with wisdom and with the courage to live.

There's Light and Dark In All Of Us

Thing is, we are grateful for our souls in this marriage.  We enter the sacred space into the mystery which is the awareness of one another's presence.  We just have to remind each other with respect and remind ourselves of what brought us together.

You give us the gentleness and kindness.  You are marked by abundance and delight.  You provide us the quality of life.

Even when there are difficulties and fears assail within us, as these vibes threaten all relationship and all lives at one time or another, you make us to focus on what is right and not only the part which seems wrong.  It is this wisdom that we ride out the storms when the clouds hide the face of the sun in our lives.

You, beloved Reiki Sanctuary, make us to remember that the sun is still out there.


All that we are and all that we have, we offer to you, our dear Reiki Sanctuary, in love and in joy.  We will keep to love and comfort you, hold you close, prize you above all others.

We are thankful to you.  We are grateful to you.  We take pride in you.

Today, we continue to pray.  May you continue to support us on Earth with all the Universal Abundance and Blessings.

We love you always, Reiki Sanctuary.

    About Me

    I am a certified Master in Traditional USUI REIKI and KARUNA REIKI. I am also a certified practitioner in MAGNIFIED HEALING and INNER DANCE.

    I have been teaching and conducting spirituality, healing and energy works (including Breathing Techniques, Meditation and Spinal Qiqong) for more than two decades.

    These are the classes I conduct:
    (for Individual and/or Groups)

    a) Life / Motivational Coach
    b) Usui Reiki (all the 4 levels)
    c) Awareness Before Change
    d) Born Rich
    e) Tibetan Geomancy ** (reading and consultation)

    ** Please have your house plan


    In Reiki Sanctuary, we feel blessed. We feel the abundance and greatly appreciate for all that have been showered. We can only keep counting ..

    [Continue Reading ...]


    All emails are private and confidential

    Need Healing?

    I offer Reiki Distant Healing (See REIKI HOSPITAL OF LIFE for more information) for those who seek healing, higher & spiritual guidance.

    Do contact me should you want me to add you to this healing space. You might want to share your issues via email.

    I do not charge for doing this service; there is no fee involved. My intention is pure as I truly believe it is always good that we can attain to be with our Highest Self.

    We deserve to be healthy, peaceful and joyful.