Now that the resale completion date has been given, it makes it easier for us to schedule for the renovation works. Ah, I guess, we will be busier soon.
Still, we will not be able to do the renovation immediately. As the seller sold his flat to us on a contra basis, we are required [not by law but on a gentleman's agreement] to give him 30 days to vacate. He should be able to have his renovation completed too.
Legally, the flat belongs to us with effect on Monday 9th, but we are not going to collect rent from him. Some of our friends feel that we are being too kind. Now, we are thinking of giving him 2 weeks instead. We are told that his renovation for the new house is not extensive. He will only be renovating the toilet, kitchen cabinet and painting of the whole house.
On the other hand, we have to vacate our place by mid September.
Our schedule:
09 June : Collection of Keys
30 June : Finalised the house renovation concept
01 July : Start of renovation works
06 Sept : Moving Out
16 Sept : Hand-over
I intend to start organizing and throwing things next week.