Friday, September 12, 2008

As I Walk My Life On Earth ...

Reflection:  in Solitude, in Abundance .. Magnificent Life
(one of the many series to come)

We are asked to search.  For in finding, we learn.  Or we think, we will learn.  We will never know the worth of water until the well is dry.  If we keep chasing two rabbits all at one time, we will not catch either one.  When, then, will we learn? 

Often, we are just too busy chasing - up to a point where we actually just do not know anymore what we are truly looking.  We lock the conscious shift of perception.  At times, conveniently.  At other time, we find excuses to forget them. 

Thinking is said to be such a heavy burden.  In complacency, we tend to follow where the wind takes us.  It is easier that way for the gentleness of the wind never hurt.  More often, gentleness is far more intrusive than the brutal force of confusion.  The mind yearns for a sense of well-being and happiness.  It is just a psychological need.  It is a basic necessity for the soul.  For what we don't know, we feel safe.

We are told that we can be, do or have anything we want.  It's true.  However, while we can be or have anything that we want, the same is not true for everything that we want.  We need to realize that our resources are limited.  We have only so much time, life, money and energy to work with.

The consciousness of our appetite is insatiable.  No matter what we become, gain or achieve, we just want more.  Our appetite is like sea water - the more we drink, the thirstier we become.

Our mind keeps insisting that we know but do we really know?  When we say that Reiki Sanctuary is a place where little abundance comes alive, do we internalize and soak in the life force?  Do we actually know the depth and the impact it will bring?  Do we act on an action because there's an opportunity?  Do we say things because words are easily spoken and quickly forgotten?  Do we take our time to fear less and hope more; to whine less and breathe more; to talk less and say more and to hate less and love more?

In the push and pull of life, we seldom realize that we receive a great deal more than we give.  That is the subtle reality of life.  This is the truth of human interactions.  We are just unaware of it.  Perhaps, conveniently denied.  It is the human relationship struggle as it is often so hard for real friends to tell us when our face is dirty.  We always tend to look at the glass as half empty albeit is half full.  We always have a tendency to live life with a sense of lack.  And then, we just whine and complain more.  Faith is sitting on a thin line; hopes slips into a state of despair.

And so, it was said earlier in the blog that Reiki Sanctuary comes with a sense of deep purpose.  In somewhat way, it is true.  We hear new stories; we witness new events and we cross new territories.  With each day, we are opening a new language - the lesson on self reflection and the awakening for a deeper aspect of our identity.  The search for the true nature of our souls.  The lesson to find something to be thankful for.  To unlock the fullness of life and turns what we have into enough, and more.  To turn denial into acceptance.  Chaos to order.  Confusion to clarity.

Reiki Sanctuary is a 'spiritual being' that is giving life to our physical bodies.  That in her presence, our soul is nourished.  That makes us to think deeper to create in the ointment of human existence.  To be hopeful and to have direction.  To have a map to move by and to have energy for an infinity of faith.  Reiki Sanctuary has started to make us thinking a lot more.  Not to burden the thinking mind but to appease with tranquility.  To quench joy and sprinkle peace.  She makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.

Reiki Sanctuary comes at a perfect time for us to be reflective.  For us to value peace of mind and for the health of our souls live in the best of all possible lives.  There have been series of life lessons.  For today, we learn that if we are to raise our voices, may it be only in praise.  If we are to clench our fists, may it be only in prayer.  If we are to make a demand, may it be only of ourselves.

We want to walk to see the commonality of all.  We want the gentleness to understand that we can walk hand-in-hand without seeing eye-to-eye and despite all differences, we are all the same.  Whether we are good or bad, whether we are right or wrong, our actions affect others.  We shape our beliefs and behaviours.

Reiki Sanctuary must instill in us the want to live.  To be grateful with each breath.  To be thankful even at the darkest hour.  She has to be a gentle mantra to remind us that when the tide recedes, she leaves behind bright seashells on the sand.  That when the sun goes down, the gentle warmth still lingers.  That when the music stops, it echoes on in sweet refrains.  For every gentleness that passes, something beautiful remains.

    About Me

    I am a certified Master in Traditional USUI REIKI and KARUNA REIKI. I am also a certified practitioner in MAGNIFIED HEALING and INNER DANCE.

    I have been teaching and conducting spirituality, healing and energy works (including Breathing Techniques, Meditation and Spinal Qiqong) for more than two decades.

    These are the classes I conduct:
    (for Individual and/or Groups)

    a) Life / Motivational Coach
    b) Usui Reiki (all the 4 levels)
    c) Awareness Before Change
    d) Born Rich
    e) Tibetan Geomancy ** (reading and consultation)

    ** Please have your house plan


    In Reiki Sanctuary, we feel blessed. We feel the abundance and greatly appreciate for all that have been showered. We can only keep counting ..

    [Continue Reading ...]


    All emails are private and confidential

    Need Healing?

    I offer Reiki Distant Healing (See REIKI HOSPITAL OF LIFE for more information) for those who seek healing, higher & spiritual guidance.

    Do contact me should you want me to add you to this healing space. You might want to share your issues via email.

    I do not charge for doing this service; there is no fee involved. My intention is pure as I truly believe it is always good that we can attain to be with our Highest Self.

    We deserve to be healthy, peaceful and joyful.